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Everything posted by robbo

  1. Got the broadband accelerator and I have managed to get my speed up to 1 meg.......I can't imagine anything any faster... and I am with BT \ \ \ \ \ \
  2. I see that a certain well known web site is showing 3 versions of the Fiat 1**-90 that will be available soon. Twin wheel terracotta 110-90 Standard Fiat 110-90 Fiat 100-90 limited edition with front linkage So many models. so little money :( :(
  3. I quite like both of them, the T8 has a Fendt look about it 8)
  4. Another one http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Louis-Marx-Reversible-Diesel-Electric-Plastic-Tractor-/380256456953?cmd=ViewItem&pt=Diecast_Vehicles&hash=item58890d10f9
  5. It is a limited edition Massey Ferguson made by Weise......and it's BLUE ;) ;D
  6. robbo


    Hi John, I know exactly what you mean about the kids, I am a similar age to you and mine just shake their heads and make twirling movements around their temple, it's almost a grubby family secret, hey Dad is regressing to childhood don't tell the neighbours. [ What is it about folk bands that makes them choose such strange names, my brother in law is in a band on the Midlands circuit called "Maurice and the Minors"?
  7. At a guess I would say that they were Shallots, these are small onion type bulbs that are used whole in cooking as they have a wonderful flavour http://www.google.co.uk/images?um=1&hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-GB%3Aofficial&channel=s&biw=1362&bih=609&tbs=isch%3A1&sa=1&q=shallots&aq=f&aqi=g3g-m7&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=
  8. Nice pictures Sascha, you have managed to find some unusual crops whilst you were over here. Leeks are the national vegetable of Wales and closely related to Onions http://www.google.co.uk/images?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&channel=s&hl=en&q=leek&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=univ&ei=-GpaTK3QOJWy0gS05ZBd&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=5&ved=0CEQQsAQwBA&biw=1362&bih=609
  9. Not good Bill, does that mean that your job might be at risk? I have always thought that if I was the boss then the first place that I would look to cut jobs would be in Human Resources, they seem to do the least productive work within any company. :(
  10. Yes it was a one off custom build and the box was a JD 4020 that had been photoshopped
  11. As well as the extra logos on the box it also has a small leaflet inside with details of the spec of the real tractor, unfortunately for those of a less cosmopolitan nature (ie me) the text is in Dutch. However, I suppose that as it is produced for a Dutch show that is understandable. ;) The models are also numbered underneath and I have number 58. As mentioned in the Ford 7810 topic, the model does have mounting brackets for real linkage on the back, I wonder if this is something for the future from UH or one of their related companies.
  12. Sean you are a plank ;D ;D What have you been told about chasing the sheep over the moors, you're not as young as you used to be ;) and grandads need to slow down occasionally :
  13. Brian can you please limit the photos to 6 per post please, it makes it better for those who are on a slower connection thanks
  14. Tell you what Brian, now you have got the hang on this photobucket lark there is no stopping you is there : Looks like you had a good day though ;D
  15. I think I have gone waaay over the top this month, the kids will be eating scraps and I will have to chuck another boy scout on the fire to keep warm Ros Fiat 160-90 limited edition UH Fendt 209V Kommunal limited edition HMT Massey Ferguson 590 silver cab UH Ford 7810 Schuco Fendt Gold edition UH Massey Ferguson 135 Industrial on turf tyres :of :of :of
  16. robbo

    Robbo's Photos

    Also sitting in the yard was a much smaller version And then just for Malcyp sitting in the field and waiting for the rain to stop
  17. robbo

    Robbo's Photos

    Called at the AGCO dealership today and this monster was sitting across the road, brand new and unregistered, it is sold and awaiting delivery to the new owner
  18. The DBP website is unavailable at the moment, anyone know when it will be back on line, I was trying to have a look and see if the new MF240 was available :(
  19. Make sure you don't end up as one of these ;D ;D http://latenightmistakes.com/
  20. Are you calling Gav a beast? :of ;D ;D Nice photos though all the same ;)
  21. That's all, hope you enjoy them
  22. Robert the Bruce by Dumfries and Galloway Carnforth railway station inspired by the old film "Brief Encounter" that was filmed there
  23. This was called "Wave" This one was rather strange and had a alien in the middle, the plants are all lettuces Cavemen from Cornwall Exhibit from Jersey And then, just for Bill, the one from Aberdeen
  24. Anybody got veggies like these There were quite a few people there
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