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Actuall Tractor Speeds???


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I would think they only need setting up properly.

True, it does explain in most operators manual what you need to change when you change the wheels etc. Mote modern throttles are running on fly by wire systems.

Yeah, it is interesting about the speeds, as we see with the new 8250 fastrac, it will do nearly 60kmh but says you should not drive over 20 mph........

We could start a whole topic about tractors and roads etc.......... but we wont........

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I've discovered if you put your foot on the clutch with a 12 tonne trailer behind you whilst going down a steep hill you can get 2-3 more mph out of the tractor than it should do. however this will make the computer go nuts and when the massey man comes round to service your tractor he will ask why you have been exceeding the speed limit and breaking the computer.

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If its any help to you Ricky my 6920s Autopower with a 40k box will do 46.5 k so unlike a Case or NH the autopower will do more than its rated speed


Hope 6930 will do the same then!!

Marky, to late to order, she's due end of november!!

40k or 50k doesn't really make a big difference. You'll need to travel great distances to really have an advantage of a 50k box. And there's a huge gap between 40 and 50, fuel consumption is going through the roof when accelerating from 40k to 50k.

yea 10  :D :D :D :D

When you think about it our 3050 is actually doing 50k a modern 50k will pass her but not by much, a 50 deutz driven by a mate of mine (he had 12t kane on full of grass) i was empty but he only just got by me in about 300-400 yrds

Ever going a run anywhere shes my choice ha ha!

unless bumpy roads then the 20 series gets picked with suspension  ;D

And everyone says oh 50 wil kill the tractor pulling heavy loads

simple . .. drop a gear drive slower and safer and engine won't die as fast then on return with empty load let her hve it!!!!

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it is interesting to know what speeds you can get but as the law says, no air brakes and ABS you cant go over 20mph  ??? as it has been said the faster a tractor goes the less traffic it holds up so speed is better i guess

i know of a fastrac driver who was going down a very long steep hill fully loaded and when the local dealers checked the "black box" it was doing close to 65mph :o

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I've been out on Frankie today... coming down the A14 at 40.2k doesn't half seem slow you know  :'( - Ohhhhhh how I would love a 50k machine  :'( :'( :'(

Have you tried reverse gear yet down the A14  ???

That would be fun to watch  ;)

To be fair that road is a nightmare at the best of times  :'(

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dear lord ferguson.

                     by law as probably already mentioned you should not go above 20mph on a public highway!! also i belieive that once you get more than 7 vehicles behind you you are expected to pull over. this is a pain in the Bum i know but i have been pulled up for this and luckily just got away with a warning and only had 24 cars behind me!!

                       your faithfull servant   mark     ;)

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dear lord ferguson.

                     by law as probably already mentioned you should not go above 20mph on a public highway!! also i belieive that once you get more than vehicles behind you you are expected to pull over. this is a pain in the Bum i know but i have been pulled up for this and luckily just got away with a warning and only had 24 cars behind me!!

                       your faithfull servant   mark     ;)

Indeed... my problem was.... I obtained this queue in between lay-bys.... I didn't know the 20mph rule either  :o :o :o
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we got up to 27 when we dipped the clutch with the 135 today... scary  ::) the wheels were a bit wobbly  :D

you watch doing that ! the clutch can explode ! as i did it in the tl coming down a mountain road and my uncle gave me a right tuning because i was hitting about 33+ mph  :-[ and on the clock on flat ground shes around 39.9-40.0k ;) and shes the same speed as the manitou which is 40k as she keeps the same distance all the way on the road  ;)

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a guy i know got a speeding ticket in his fendt the other day ::)  56km in a 50km zone ::) ::)

Over here, we dont have a speed limit.... if yor tractor gearbox can do over 30km you have to have a warrent... like cars.... dont mater if you have a 40k box and drive at 30km that is the only real law re speed over here, have to be under 3m i think, all our gear is 3m or under just.... have to run a log book like you do in trucks.... unless you are in your farm tractor only doing stuff for YOUR farm....

The stupidest law yet tho.... this takes the cake

You are not aloud any thing that execdes 3m from the Forward most postion of the drivers seat, thats the length of most 40 series jd bonnets... same as the 7000 and 8000 series.... screwd with front links or a front loader even....

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all tractor drivers of modern machines should know about the 20mph limit, its clearly marked in the cabs ;)

deere 7810 your a lucky boy, 24 cars and only a warning :o

I'm not sure it's in mine Mike.. or on Fanny either mate... will take a look... maybe I've not noticed them  :-[:-\
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dear lord ferguson.

                     by law as probably already mentioned you should not go above 20mph on a public highway!! also i belieive that once you get more than 7 vehicles behind you you are expected to pull over. this is a pain in the Bum i know but i have been pulled up for this and luckily just got away with a warning and only had 24 cars behind me!!

                       your faithfull servant   mark     ;)

Wrong, there is no limit on the number of vehicles behind you before you pull over, the offence occurs if you go past a convenient place where you could have pulled over to let the vehicles past, be it layby or large hard verge, junction mouths don't count as its then another offence, obstruction of the highway. Inconsiderate driving I believe is the offence they can get you on for it

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