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Just got in and we've had a major downpour

Over an inch in half an hour

It wasn't too bad this morning with a nice bit of warming sunshine then a shower at dinner time    And then this

When will it end

Its worse in some ways than last year      At least the sun was out this time last year

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dry today, quite warm to, but not overly sunny, ment to be better tommorrow, and i am off to north devon so may see some combines workign :D

local news said we usally get 66 mm of rain for august down here, on average, we are currently at 125mm so second wettest since records began, and we still have 2 week odd to go as well

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It didn't start out too bad here today, thought we might be in for a decent spell and had ideas of going off on the bike with the camera and seeing if there was anything to see combine wise, but then the rain came and went and came and went and so on...

But this might amuse you; a few years ago there was a fire at where I work (this isn't the funny bit by the way!) it was confined to one of the toilets - a roof fan caught fire, caused a bit of damage in the room itself (melting the loo) but mostly smoke damage.  Anyway, as a result we had to implement a lot of safety measures should the same thing happen again, one being that the 2 bedrooms that face onto the car park had their windows replaced with large doors, the reason for this being that for heavier patients they could be evacuated without moving them from their bed, the whole bed would be pushed out. 

We had a demonstration of a new bed today and the bloke brought it into one of the rooms with doors and we pushed the one already in there onto the car park with the bedding still on it, out into the bright sun...little did we realise while the new bed was demonstrated that the heavens had opened and soaked the bed outside!  Oops!  ;D

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It's been baking hot here most of the day.... VERY warm this arvo... BUT... we've just had about 1" of rain in the last 10 mins here now  :o :'( >:(

Didnt take long to get from here to you ;D ;D ;D

Wasn't it damned heavy >:(

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