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Me too Luke (no seriously I do !!) - They get me every now and again and they are living hell are they not  :o???

Bad hayfever usually kicks it off for me... I find sunglases help me a lot.. but if they makes a start then I've had it for 2-3 days  :'( :'(

Me too, probably have 1 every fortnight as in go to bed end of story for at least a day, spent about 6 months of my life in hospital with doctors trying to work out diet  etc.  >:( >:(

No pattern or probs ever are found ruins a big chunk of me life  ;)

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Been rather overcast all day here and p!ssed it down from 3 till 5 this afternoon, just as I was round baling and trying to free the tractor from a rather big spring :-\ :-\ :-\ ;D ;D

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Me too, probably have 1 every fortnight as in go to bed end of story for at least a day, spent about 6 months of my life in hospital with doctors trying to work out diet  etc.  >:( >:(

No pattern or probs ever are found ruins a big chunk of me life  ;)

I suffer from them pretty bad as well - I find that I have to eat regularly to stop them. Also if I haven't been sleeping well I get them or if I am stressed about something. Have to avoid cheese and yoghurts for the same reason.

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Me too, probably have 1 every fortnight as in go to bed end of story for at least a day, spent about 6 months of my life in hospital with doctors trying to work out diet  etc.  >:( >:(

No pattern or probs ever are found ruins a big chunk of me life  ;)

My problem is my neck... had an MRI scan (in the end ::) and they discovered I have a worn out neck of all things - guess what no cure  :'( :'( :'(

Isn't it amazing how many fellow sufferers there are on here  :o - I thought I was the only one - makes me feel better to be amoungst fellow sufferers in a way  ;)

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My problem is my neck... had an MRI scan (in the end ::) and they discovered I have a worn out neck of all things - guess what no cure  :'( :'( :'(

Isn't it amazing how many fellow sufferers there are on here  :o - I thought I was the only one - makes me feel better to be amoungst fellow sufferers in a way  ;)

For once I agree with you Marky ;) but hey I believe in fate  ;), when i spent 3 weeks in the hospital last year I was told it was very unusual for people to suffer from proper migraines, I had all the mri scans on the brain surprise surprise nothing there, it is strange as an intact of sugar sometimes does the trick for me and a close friend of mine had part of their stomach taken away and that worked for them, if they did that to me there would be nothing left of me.

It frightens my missus and the kids when i get them they just dont know what to do

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For once I agree with you Marky ;) but hey I believe in fate  ;), when i spent 3 weeks in the hospital last year I was told it was very unusual for people to suffer from proper migraines, I had all the mri scans on the brain surprise surprise nothing there, it is strange as an intact of sugar sometimes does the trick for me and a close friend of mine had part of their stomach taken away and that worked for them, if they did that to me there would be nothing left of me.

It frightens my missus and the kids when i get them they just dont know what to do

I get a lot less thumping headaches since cutting out sugar years ago, let's face it it's a poison that your system has to get rid of, even a pint of shandy will make me feel muzzy headed the following day from the sugar in the lemonade.

Trouble is I love to eat sweet things occassionally, but always feel lethargic as a result for a day or so afterwards. When I think of all the sweet stuff we had as kids, I guess because our parents were rationed they spoiled us as it became more available for them in the 50s/60s.

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