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21/22 down here overcast and very dry, all the supposed rain and storms last night amounted to 4/5 bangs of thunder 1 powercut,and 10 secs of rain drops

apparently there were storms over here but i didnt hear them :D :D

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Sun sun sun. Not too hot yet, air con is on and off and off and on. Left Somerset at 7.30am, have crossed Wiltshire, just passed through Oxfordshire and heading thru Buckinghamshire now, a nice day ahead by the looks of it.

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Hazy blue and very warm again in Aberdeen about 25C ish.

More interested though in the cloud development further north, looks like a classic Aberdeenshire beast is brewing. Duck n' cover weather later methinks, insurance - check, candles - check... ;D

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Currently having the biggest storm of 2006 so far here. It's proper belting it down with rain and a bit of hail, windy and nearly continous thunder and lightning, mostly up in the clouds but I've just seen a few forks too :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\

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