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Sean you were talking to Rich for ten minutes wern't you? I'm sure you were.

Ace photo's, Mark and Mike. I am glad you both took plenty as I didn't walk around the show at all. I merely went from the stand to the toilet or from the stand to the Pic'N'Mix van!!

Iain we made a list of 'to do's' and grass matting is on it  ;) But yes it was all Seans fault. Give him a job to do and he forgets it!!  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :police:

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Wow that looks like one heck of a brilliant show, thanks for sharing your photographs Mark and Mike, and video links Rich, if I hadn't been so snowed under with work i'd have definitely made the trip down. Some very nice full size machines some of which i've never seen before, the little row-crop Dexta certainly stands out. As for the displays and the F.T.F stand they all look amazing, Spalding cannot come soon enough now. :)

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rich on the vid you have some pics of a weird ford looking tractor with a crane mounted on the top of the bonnet?? any chance you could post some pics please, me and tris were trying to guess what it was, seemed to have a ford 10 series bonnet on it

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rich on the vid you have some pictures of a weird ford looking tractor with a crane mounted on the top of the bonnet?? any chance you could post some pictures please, me and tris were trying to guess what it was, seemed to have a ford 10 series bonnet on it

this one sean ? in the photos it was loading a snow plough  ???  or simular onto the lorry.





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Just consulted a couple of books I have in my collection. The Ford crane is a conversion carried out by Colchester Tillage a subsiduary of Colchester Tractors set up by the Doe family. They imported Tico cranes which they fitted to Ford and County tractors.

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Nobody can help me with the Nuffield then? I know its in the Marshall colours and they are Leylands and Leylands are BMC and Nuffields, Im very up on this with always proudly having owned BL Jaguar Austin and Lastly Rovers, but I dont know what this tractor is someone tell me please, Ive even Googled it. ;)

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Do you mean this one?


Now this is interesting. A while ago some of you may recall me mentioning a Marshall which looked based on a 240 or something. Well on yesterday I saw it had been moved up to the roadside from it's paddock. I never stopped to photograph it but I saw the model number and it is a 132. One of these.


http://i50.tinypic.com/sv5d0i.jpg But the one I see has a different grill.

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