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Thinking of buying a pallet trailer... anyone know a good model/manufacturer ?

Lord Ferguson

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clever fella  ;)  .. short answer.... not YET... that's my only hope.. but I think you are right and I think I'm currently on the bottom hole... to keep my toplink are vertical as it will go... clearly the opposite end should yield results  ;)

You can go to the top of the class

provided it works  ;):D :D :D

Well thats would be my first port of call.. And If i remember right.. The design on the back of MF isnt the greatest for getting the pin in and out  ::)  ::)  >:(  ;D

If that doesn't help then you can either get yourself a longer Top Link OR Make another Top Link bracket that fits inside The tractor mountings and attach your top link to it.. Sorta a bracket within a bracket if you get me??  ???  There a simliar thing on a A frame for some Hedgecutters  ;)

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clever fella  ;)  .. short answer.... not YET... that's my only hope.. but I think you are right and I think I'm currently on the bottom hole... to keep my toplink are vertical as it will go... clearly the opposite end should yield results  ;)

You can go to the top of the class

provided it works  ;):D :D :D

I'd be concerned about the stress that would put on the topcover.

Still think the hydraulic top link is the best bet.

Have you ever thought of mounting the baler on a trailer permanently and use a Powerpack like a wrapper to drive it?

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I do understand... and I'd not thought of that either... although I do favour the hydraulic option... being a lazy sod  :-[:D :D

With Money to burn clearly  ::)  ::)  Plus buying a Hyd Top Link is no fun!  ;D

Another option would be to shorten you link arms.. Not sure weather there optional holes on the tractor end or not??  :-

You have numerous Options.. How hard did you actually think about this problem?  ;D  ;D  ;D  ::)

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I have been looking into mounting it permanently... but it will reduce my flexibility which is the systems 'USP' really  :-\  Power pack would be good though.. I could take the tractor down the pub while Lumpy carries on working  :P:D :D  .. seriously... I could often do with another power pack for the baler... especially during harvest  :)


Not very !  :-[:D :D  .. I can't be stretching my grey matter at my age.. especially when I can draw on the genius of young people... like you  ;):P:-*:-* :-*


thanks buddy.. the hoses will reach the tractor when it's on the bed as you can back the tractor right up to it and over the drawbar.. but I really don't think I want it mounted permanently

As for a hydraulic toplink not being fun... are you kidding  :of  .. a new piece of kit that goes in and out  :P

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Marky you have me dumb....................founded that a tractor cannot set that 10 inches off the ground level, As Blake says, top hole for the top link on the tractor, baler lifts level rather than crowding toward the cab as you lift, the only time i use the bottom hole on a toplink is for the plough to lift the tail way up for reversing it at headlands,

I that fails, There are green tractors with yellow wheels that will set your baler on the trailer without problem,

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Marky u have me dumbfounded thata tractor cannot set that 10 inches off the ground level, As Blake says, top hole for the top link on the tractor, baler lifts level rather than crowding toward the cab as you lift, the only time i use the bottom hole on a toplink is for the plough to lift the tail way up for reversing it at headlands,

I that fails, There are green tractors with yellow wheels that will set your baler on the trailer without problem,

ha ha so true ricky

nice trailer but no forward planing, just shiny paint syndrome yet again  :of:)

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Marky you have me dumbfounded that a tractor cannot set that 10 inches off the ground level, As Blake says, top hole for the top link on the tractor, baler lifts level rather than crowding toward the cab as you lift, the only time i use the bottom hole on a toplink is for the plough to lift the tail way up for reversing it at headlands,

I that fails, There are green tractors with yellow wheels that will set your baler on the trailer without problem,

thanks Rickaaay... All sorted now... I sprayed my tractor Green and the wheels yellow and it lifted it a treat

Then the gearbox went as I was taking it off again  ;):P:-*

As for you Mike 'Green eyed monster' - forward planning is not my forte really.. never has been.. never will be... just be thankful I'm not sending you the invoices for all my recent purchases then hey old chap  ;):-*

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I'm surprised no one has suggested the cheapest option of all, two railway sleepers to run the tractor onto in order to raise it up level to the lowloader floor for setting the baler down, if not railway sleeps then have some steel extensions made up the right height. Cheap and simple but will do the job, can easily be lifted on and of the trailer with the loader as well.

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Indeedy Gavalar... good thinking..

I'm sorted now though... thanks for all the suggestions everyone... I've sorted the linkage now.... I'd not noticed that the bottom brackets have two height options  :-[  ... the toplink was already on the top mount as well  :)

I took the baler for a test run today... I really need some old rubber belting to stand it on I reckon as it's well slippy on the bed... even with cardboard between the baler and bed  :-\

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mark, what if the baler was mounted on its own mini low laoder with power pack, then tow the new one behind that, sort of dual trailer rig, you could still power the baler from the tractor if needed,

Not a bad idea mate... although I'm ok with this rig now I've mastered all the 'tweakings' thanks.. I do like that idea though... kind of a wagon train  :P  .. mind you... this thing needs plenty of road with the wheels right at the back I must say
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I don't think I fancy towing two trailers mate... unless I've got one on the bed of the other that is  :D :D

The problem I see with towing two trailers is ...well should you meet an obstruction etc and have to reverse... that would show what a real driver could do or not I'm sure ;) ;)

Legally I'm not too sure you are allowed too unless you are a showman but I assume you would qualify for that Mark ;D ;D ;D ...just get robbo to confirm what the "Old Bill's" view is on it ;) ;)

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I'm surprised no one has suggested the cheapest option of all, two railway sleepers to run the tractor onto in order to raise it up level to the lowloader floor for setting the baler down, if not railway sleeps then have some steel extensions made up the right height. Cheap and simple but will do the job, can easily be lifted on and of the trailer with the loader as well.


The cheapest option is hook the dam thing up right and just set it on, no sleepers no ramps no neithin , nothing , , ,sorry hang on, Someone Buy Marky some wisdom . . .Oh problem . . .But for everything else there's mastercard!!! (*debit card for me actually)

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thanks Rickaaay... All sorted now... I sprayed my tractor Green and the wheels yellow and it lifted it a treat

Then the gearbox went as I was taking it off again  ;):P:-*

As for you Mike 'Green eyed monster' - forward planning is not my forte really.. never has been.. never will be... just be thankful I'm not sending you the invoices for all my recent purchases then hey old chap  ;):-*

ha ha you may look at it as "green eyed monster", it isnt, i repect the value of things and i put serious thought into items for my busisness, not "buy now think later" if thats your view i will stop looking at your posts then, just i thought you would have planned how to put the baler on the trailer before ordering like any normal minded farmer/contractor :of  im not been smart or funny, so dont take it the wrong way ;)
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Oh I see my apologies Mike I missunderstood you 'respecting the value' of things for some kind of jealousy - I'm now embarrassed myself.

I guess my problem is, that coming from a background of no money and then generating quite a bit for myself from my own business activities I foolishly thought it wise to reinvest in equipment to build greater efficiency into my business.  I can see now that I have been reckless in making this purchase without putting some more thought into my decision making process.

For this reason I am faced with one of those 'phew... That was bloody lucky' moments when I discovered yesterday that my new purchase would indeed carry my baler and my bales... I've got to confess here that I have not tried my mini digger on it yet but I am hoping that my, somewhat minor, research in weight calculation may pay off.. With 7t of capacity and 1.5t weight on the digger.

I hope I've not offended you enough to stop looking at my posts as I very much value your input... I'd not even heard of shiny paint syndrome until you mentioned it... In fact neither I nor my mate (who's a GP) knew of this condition.. Let alone the fact I myself had got it !

I'd be interested to hear what you'd have done differently to me on the procurement of this new trailer as I wasn't aware there were such things as demonstrators for such simple machines... That is, of course if you think I should have bought this machine in the first place.

I have a directors meeting tonight and I'm going to ask them if they would mind if we use your wisdom as a consultant in out equipment purchasing decisions in the future.  Sorry Gavin... I don't think I can use you anymore

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