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Mobile 'Phones. What do you use, rate and suggest?

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I'm half thinking of giving it a miss this time around anyway, Nick. I want to see how the company perform after the loss of the big cheese who was the main driving force behind everything Apple produced. Interesting chapter in their history at the moment.

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Yeah I have looked at that, the iPhone 5 was due on August though so something amiss already there. Really like Traci's HTC and she would like an iPhone so I may get one and if I don't like it I can swap with her. Then when she upgrades maybe the iPhone 5 will be out. .. . or maybe something entirely different.

A Motorola Brick maybe  :laugh: :laugh:


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Recently bought an iPhone 4. Was either that or a Samsung Galaxy II but the iPhone is much better still. Easily the best phone I have ever owned. Agreed it its not suitable to everyone's need, especially not in the farming trade. When used properly it can come in very handy though.

Apart from calling and texting I have plenty of app's on there that I use. TV guide, news apps, Whatsapp (free texting), check my email, play some games when I have to wait or something. Lot of agricultural apps coming out these days. Most of these are first launched for Apple and only later for Android. Blackberry is as gd as dead, sorry  :P . I have the Syngenta Tank Calc app and there are a few other manufacturers that do something similar. Can also get apps about weeds, OSR checker and others.

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I upgraded mine yesterday. Interesting conversation with the T-mobile rep who quite blatently talked me off going for the iphone 4S. Whether that was because the next gen phone is due soon? Eitherway, it worked! I was all geared for moving over to it too but have gone with the Galaxy S 2. Charging at the moment.

http://www.mobile-phones-uk.org.uk/ is always a good resource for unbiased reviews.

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here is a question

How many on here have a smart phone and actually use it to its potential??

Talking and texting is the main use of mine, and emails come through, and lets face it, the nokia 5100 could almost have coped with all that :)

The exact reason's i dont have one.

I only use the phone for talking to people, texting and the alarm to wake me up!!!!

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For what it's worth, I've had a HTC Desire for a year now (making it one of the longest surviving phones I've had) and it's had it's fair share of drops, oil, water, muck and soil. It's the kind of tool I wanted years ago.

I have all my music on there so no ipod in tractor - just play through Bluetooth radio. Pretty much all the farm info too and just email workplans from Gatekeeper. Several apps I use daily.

Battery lasts about a day of fairly heavy use. Charge and sync every night. Oh and there's Google docs too.

Don't want to start a war but I bought it because it's not Apple. :D

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That may have just swayed me, John. Trach has a Desire and although she doesn't utilise it nor have any want to, I think it's great. The smart 'phone is as handy a pocket tool on the farm as a penknife or Leatherman. You seem to have intergrated it into your daily farming activities. I'd be using a Smart 'phone for talk, text, camera, video, email, internet, diary. Then I'd be looking at work related Apps starting with Driver Hour Gaurd.

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here is a question

How many on here have a smart phone and actually use it to its potential??

Talking and texting is the main use of mine, and emails come through, and lets face it, the nokia 5100 could almost have coped with all that :)

have to say i use mine a fair bit, at work during lunch ect, mornings, infact some eves instead of firing the lappy up , have used the gps for work to finding places, rare event that but its handy , i primararly got the i phone for the net acces at work after they blocked a lot of sites and openly stated we were being watched, looks at loads of others first to. 
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I have a Blackberry and hate it with a passion...

The keyboard is really awkward to use - I constantly hit the wrong keys >:(

It's mega slow to connect to the internet

I find simple tasks really fiddly.

It's bulky and not as slim as the competition.

The menus are ridiculous and I don't find it all user friendly :(

...wish I'd bought an Iphone instead :'( :'(

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I have a blackberry issued through work and to be honest its like my right arm.well I think it gets nearly as much use  :P as I'm always on it.

Work emails, personal emails, UTS emails, BBM's, SMS's internet use etc and I find it ok but I guess like all phones its what you get used to using.

I did have an Iphone 3 but the blackberry holds its charge for nearly double the time of the iphone I had and I am always dropping it and it seems pretty sturdy.

The biggest downside for me is that my big fingers struggle with typing on the small keys on thekeyboard

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Just a wee thought alot of people say about iphones being fragile and sure just stick it in a hard case to protect it


Make it more bulky take to nice look away from it etc. . . .

In my opinion the technology is there, a phone no matter the type should be hardy enough to withstand "life"

Put it this way, you wouldnt buy a car and wrap it in bubble wrap just so it wont get scratched in everyday use now would you?

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must say ricky ,mines in my pocket every day, unless i am in a wet manhole ,and its been sat on, dropped, lent on for 2 or 3 hours and its fine at present, been bounced numerous times on tarmac ect ,and bar a few marks on the case nothing else, maybe i am just lucky, all it has  is a screen protector lie you get on it from new, thats it

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Well, after being impressed with firstly Seans iPhone 3 and then Marks iPhone 4 I had made up my decision. . .

Then on speaking to o2 about tarrifs, 'phones and charges the only free iPhone I could get on my tariff was the 3 which is older than the HTC Desire. The iPhone 4 I'd have to pay for plus have a minimum tariff costing more than my current one and the insurance was £12.50 / month  :(

So on that basis I fell back to the reserve Champion, the HTC Desire S in blue for two years, 300mins of talk, unlimited text, with insurance and 100mb / month. Should be here tomorrow or Wednesday  :)

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Well, it arrived yesterday (HTC Desire in blue) and I spent last night setting it up and playing around with it. Even downloaded my first app, Driver Tacho Guard which I forgot to use today  ::)

So far so good, quite easy but a few things I wish were different - mainly the menus and the way contacts are stored but I may work out that it can be changed anyway in time.

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