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North East Farm And Construction Model Show Aberdeen 29th May 2011

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The March / April issue No.4 of Model Farmer arrived today and it was good to see Andy has included an approx 1/8 of a page write up for us 8)

Many thanks for that piece of advertising Andy and we will in turn try and promote Model Farmer magazine at the show as well. Ill be in touch near the time to see what we can do.

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I never thought the show would take off so well, assuming everyone who has requested tables gets their form back, the show is sold out already. I never would have believed there would be such an interest in models in the Aberdeenshire area.

Looking forward to may now to see it all come together.


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Well Andy I have to say me too....when we visited the Marriott Hotel in Dyce in early January this year and I saw the Pitmedden Suite all 70 foot  x 50 foot in total and I thought we would be lucky to fill 2 of the 3 sections at most ::) ::) 

It looks like we have filled the foyer too so all we have to do now is hope Joe Public supports us and we can make a success of this initial show and build on for the future.

I have been networking and phoning around again and it seems the word about this new show is getting around on the grape vine so that is good news.......and I'm sure the 4 Star Hotel will do us proud



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recieved this morning Andrew. ;)

Well I'm glad to see another FTF member from outwith Aberdeen and the shire is supporting our new show.

I'm glad that you are able to make  the journey North from the "Kingdom of Fife"... Andrew ;) ;)

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Andrew we are planning to meet up at Andy's on Sunday evening so we should have a better idea then how many tables we have in total (80 odd at last count) and who is displaying what and who is selling either tractors or lorries or construction equipment.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Today I collected a completed form from a chap who is taking two display tables and will be exhibiting 1/16 scale tractors from Universal Hobbies, G&M Farm Models and RJN Classics plus some heavy haulage lorries.

I have just sent an email to a chap who wants to bring a model crane that can extend to 10 to 12 feet high to see if we can fit him in the foyer and be cordoned off in front of the bar which will be closed ;) ;)

We are now effectively full and have used all the 70 foot x 50 foot hall and now the foyer is being used. Total table numbers must be around 83 but I'm sure Andy will be putting up a full list of exhibitors and sellers once all formal booking forms have been received back.

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As Bill says, i will put up a list of traders and exhibitors once i get some more forms back.

We are overwhelmed by the response already to the show, hopefully this is a good sign for the future.

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Well one of the exhibitors with a large crane has got back so it should look good in the foyer.

The crane  is a Liebherr 1750 crawler c/w super lift, I will setup the crane so it fits the height. I will take a Manitowoc 1600 at 6'.  Also Mammoet cranes and heavy haulage c/w storage tank loads,  these trucks have been fitted with flashing beacons. ( prepare to be dazzled) Sunglasses may be required.

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Amazing and fair play to you guys, sorry I couldnt be much more help, but I will get posters and flyers off you Bill nearer the time for around Turra. Away at the moment, possibly having to change my rota again, but I intend to resign if my time off doesnt match the show!!!

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Thanks for the offer of advertisong Ronan. Give me a shout when you are next home. I think Andy has covered the two tractor dealers and two petrol stations in Turriff but possibly not shops. I'll find out from him.

I would not go as far as resigning from your job to come to our show but a threat to your employers might do the trick ;D ;D

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hurrah some good news at last....... its about this corner of the north east had something. I think the reason why the idea is popular is that alot of people cant be bothered/ cant get to the big things down south, if theres trade going on, there will be a lot more people as postage is a killer here (im sure many people will agree with me). Im going to try and make it, subject to a holiday request getting granted.

I dinna suppose G and M will be up with a collection of stuff? (A man can dream.........)

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Well I hope you can make it along Andrew....better get that holiday request in ASAP ;) ;) . All the 80 odd tables are basically accounted for and there is also awaiting list.

No G&M Farm Models will not be there but when Graham was on the phone to me a while back he was wishing us success and said not for them in year one but may well consider it for the future. They will be up in Perth on the weekend of 9/10 April though.There is a separate post on here about that.

On people selling new tractors and implements etc we have Stewart Duncan (recently retired salesman from Dingbro the large motor factors in Aberdeen) and The McNicols from Alyth who have a shop there called Hobbies.

There will be a full list of all sellers including lorries and construction and plant stuff plus the folk displaying  farm layouts, tractors and implements, lorries including heavy haulage and cranes etc all in due course when everyone has returned their application forms.


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I got a call tonight from this chap Norman from Elgin a mate of catkom3 on here saying he would now like to display this piece of kit (dragline) at our show. He said he would not manage when I called him back in January  but now he can and well we are kinda full so well on the waiting list now I suppose :-\ :-\


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At the Gretna show on Sunday I was able to leave posters and flyers with John Beeton at the pay desk. A lot of lookers but a lot said a bit far to come which I can appreciate. However two separate folk intimated they would like to come so lets hope they can make the haul North to our first show.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well its only 8 weeks tomorrow until the show and I would say as a team we are fairly well organised at this present point in time. Since it is the first real farm related model show of any size to be held in Aberdeen I planned doing an article for Model  Tractor sorry Farmer. I have got the go ahead on this from Andy for this will be for issue 6  which will be out / on sale at the end of June. After a rather brilliant idea from Andy the report will not be just the normal show reports you will see....... hopefully this one will be a little different. Well that's all I can say for now so if you want to know more please attend the show and / or buy subscribe to issue 6 of Model Farmer ;) ;)

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Its shaping up to be a good one...well we hope Andrew. We are having a raffle as well with three prizes but more on that later. I got a raffle prize yesterday from Alan Brownie of BA Stores Lyne of Skene.

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Just been looking out my stuff, worried i didn't have enough stuff to fill my table :-[  had hoped to build a shed to go along with it but alas time has not been on my side!! :(  i will just have models on my display table unfortunately no diorama but some of my home made creations will give folk something to look at, diorama for next year maybe. Looking forward to putting faces to names. Andy, Brian or Bill could you remind me of the table size again, cheers Dode.

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Just been looking out my stuff, worried i didn't have enough stuff to fill my table :-[  had hoped to build a shed to go along with it but alas time has not been on my side!! :(  i will just have models on my display table unfortunately no diorama but some of my home made creations will give folk something to look at, diorama for next year maybe. Looking forward to putting faces to names. Andy, Brian or Bill could you remind me of the table size again, cheers Dode.

Hi Dode,

Your creations will certainly give folk something to look at and talk about  :) :) .

Time is always an issue, somehow it just seems to disappear  :P

Table size for you is 6' x 2'6"


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