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What will your New Years Resolution be regarding farming models?

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Hi there

Well we all like a new year resolution don't we? I usually make ones that go by about 3pm on New Years day but I'm interested to hear what you guys will be looking to do more or less in the new year with our beloved hobby.

Mine are;

More Massey models, more weathering, more scratch building, more classic tractors (Schuco Deutz, UH County etc...) More diorama work

Less impulse buying  ::) Less Siku (sorry but I seem to have grown out of them  :-[) Less Ebay crazy prices and less tresting new weathering paints on perfectly good models  ;D

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My resolution is to concentrate on expanding my collection of Basildon Beauties, and to add some more DBP models to my collection. I would also like to add two Scaledown models during the year - a County Super Six and a Massey 65.

I'd also like to get to Spalding again this year to pick up some custom made bits and pieces.

Most of all, I'd like to have enough spare cash to do all the above.  :-*

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well I've been in two minds for sometime now... but I'm hoping to move next year and that's a good enough excuse to rationalise my collection of MF's... I'm not sure what theme I'll follow.... but I'll be keeping the more expensive ones I think and selling off the more common ones.

........... perhaps........

Juts bought home the latest Blue MF and a Siku Blackline 8600 as well  :-[ .. well... it is still 2011

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sigh, how many new years resolutions have gone overboard at some point  :-[

but here is my try for the new year :P

praying that there wont be too many NH limited editions in 2012... , buying no newly decaled NH models but concentrating on filling gaps in the older part of my collection.

Also add 1:16 models by DBP and RJN Classic to my collection as well as a few missing Brian Norman and G&B Models models..

and last but not least, leave the new unlimited releases be, for the time being..

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As Wil said "too many resolutions".  I plan to limit my purchases.  As I collect old Britains (and other) farm toys this will mean finding the rarer  models.  And when I say "OLD" I mean 1930-1950 hollowcast and not the plastics that came later.

Tractors are also going to be restricted to the same period although if a modern example of a 50s tractor is available I might go for it.

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As Wil said "too many resolutions".  I plan to limit my purchases.  As I collect old Britains (and other) farm toys this will mean finding the rarer  models.  And when I say "OLD" I mean 1930-1950 hollowcast and not the plastics that came later.

I'm ths same, although I do also collect early plastic figures (approx 1955-1965).

My speciality is old wooden farm (& zoo) buildings, but I'm seriously running out of space to store them so will limit purchases to just the nicest ones (mostly made approx 1922 to 1962), and would like to sell some of my 'newer' and plainer buildings (say 1945 to 1975 - there is some overlap of dates in my priorities, according to style) to make room.

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To concentrate on 1950's onwards plastic Britains tractors, figures and implements. Nothing in the new ranges seems to satisfy at the moment. Also to get my collection into proper cabinets, so I can enjoy the models and not just look through boxes of boxes...

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