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Which Camera Should I Buy

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Time for a new camera since the old one is being held together with insulating tape. It will be one of too both retailing at £ 77.98 from Costco and I will have a £ 50 rebate shortly so in effect will cost less than £ 30. I want something cheap and cheerful and nothing too fancy since at the end of the day I just point and click.

Any of you camera buffs out there have views on which one to go for :huh:


14.1 MP

Lumix DMC-S3 in black




14 MP

Case / Card

Coolpix S4150 BLK




I swear by Panasonic for TV's but I'm veering towrds the Nikon...but any suggestions and comments would be appreciated.

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I have got a Fuji Film 12MP fine pix AV120 Bill its a good camera i mean i wont say i know what im on about because nothing could be further from the truth i think when we bought it last year was around £70 with case 4GB memory card and batteries which i thought was a good deal

Regards Nick

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I have got a Fuji and although it isn't that model I am not very happy with it. It might just be me not understanding the settings but I would probably got for the Nikon if I were to be buying for myself.

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If I were to choose any of the above it would be the Nikon as well. Quality wise I think it has the edge over the Panasonic. I have had Panasonic products before and won't ever buy any of it again due to reliability issues and very poor back up. Went from Windows XP to 7 and software supplied with the camera wouldn't work any more. Panasonic simply said buy another camera! Weren't thinking if updating the software.

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I have got a Fuji and although it isn't that model I am not very happy with it. It might just be me not understanding the settings but I would probably got for the Nikon if I were to be buying for myself.

Thanks Mike.

David is your man for this Bill I reckon... I had a coolpix and was not impressed.. And I'd call myself a big Nikon fan too

Ah yes Mark.....where is Mr Laley when you need him ???

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If I were to choose any of the above it would be the Nikon as well. Quality wise I think it has the edge over the Panasonic. I have had Panasonic products before and won't ever buy any of it again due to reliability issues and very poor back up. Went from Windows XP to 7 and software supplied with the camera wouldn't work any more. Panasonic simply said buy another camera! Weren't thinking if updating the software.

Thanks for the comments Niels

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I have a Canon Ixus 9515 which is a tiny camera with big performance. I use it for model photography as well as general. Fully automatic point and shoot or manual control for those special pictures and a digital 12 x zoom (needs a tripod at that magnification). Has various picture quality/size and video if you wish. Large view screen AND a viewfinder which is perfect when the light is bright and my specs go dark!

I have had this a couple of years and It was recommended to me by an astronomer who used one to photograph the stars through his telescope. Not cheap - I think I paid about £150 for mine.

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Picture quality Bill.. believe it or not... especially with reds.. it really didn't seem to handle colour very well.. battery life was also a little less than I had initially expected. Not very robust either.. I broke it pretty quickly.. but it did live in the tractor most of the time.

I actually think the camera on my phone give better results than the Nikon did... that said... it was about 3-4 years ago that I had one so I am sure a lot has changed by now.

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Here's the most useful website I found on the web for reviews when I needed to replace my old Sony compact last year Bill. I spent hours looking through this site that offers easy to understand written reviews aswell as videos too on the large majority of camera manufacturers.


Personally if I was looking for a cheaper back up compact digital camera I'd look towards the Panasonic largely because of my own experiences with my slightly larger Super Zoom. Whilst i've never used a Nikon compact the majority of reviews i've read tend to back up Mark's experiences to a certain degree. That said I would never buy any compact with that many megapixels. 14 is an awful lot for the small sensor of a pocket camera to process. You'd arguabley be better off with half that amount when it comes to picture quality. My original Sony Cybershot compact had 7.2 megapixels and was a very capable camera, it's only major downside being it's inherent lack of zoom.

Hope this information is useful to you Bill.

Having said all of this about compacts, i've been looking at higher end D.S.L.R cameras recently and my allegiance may yet switch to Nikon.

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My grandfather bought a Panasonic similar to the one you were looking at. It seems to do good for the price. I do not have a whole lot of experience with Nikon's but I generally hear good reviews. Personally i would look into a Sony cyber-shot, my brother has one and that one seemed to take the best pictures of any point and shoot I have seen and they are becoming relatively cheep now days.

I just bought a GE X500 and I am finally getting used to it, there was quite the learning curve but it seems to be working out and I am quite happy with it.

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if you go pannasonic then go for one of the TZ range, by far the best camera i have had, very simple to use great digital and optical zoom for a pocket camera ,great pixel per pic(latest is 16 meg i belive) loads of options for picture types ie burst night sport the list is endless, some 3 screens worth in total of them, and seeing as its you bill it has a genral setting called " I A " or inteligent auto ,takes care of everything for you, just point and press basicly we call it " idiots auto" ,so should suit you to a tee mate :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ::)

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a guy at work bought the last one on my recomendation for his bird watching, and hes very very happy with it, recons its easier to use than his slr he used, easier to carry round, and he thinks hes got a lot more better pics since hes had it ,which is what counts, i got this pic last june on ours, on the IA button just pointed and shot


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intelligents auto ;) by heck if it helps Sean then it will help anyone...I must look for one over here...... ::):-*

Gulp over $300.00 american here....too rich for my blood...should of known, after all, he does drive a BMW.. I got one of those Toyotas that goes forward even when you don't want to.... ???

Edited by Rick
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if you would like some great advice from a professional photographer ,,,,yes me ,,amongst my other traits ,,,sorry to sound big headed,,, canon,,,, canon,,,,, canon,,,,,all the way for me all soft wear is available on there own web site free down load,, no matter what system you are running on your computer ,the canon cameras come with there own editing suite witch is very good easy to use ,, even the very basic lower end priced canon cameras usually come out in the top 3 for price and performance,,,David our ftf paparazzi is very right in that megapixels are not every thing in a camera quality unless you are printing pictures to go on the side of a bus,,,,,i would go for shutter speed, 5-10 megapixel ,,image stabilizing and optical zoom (not digital zoom)if i was looking for a point and shoot ,i use a canon sx220 power shot for every day or back up it is small compact and i have had fantastic results from this like camera ,but this will be out of your budget unless you shop around and get a better deal ,all my equipment is canon from my large format printer ,scanners ,video camera ,flash guns ,DLSR 5d mk2 and 5 high end lenes and none has ever let me down,,when ever you see the paparazzi what cameras do you see,,,canon 90% of the time,,my only advice is you might be better spending i tad more money on a camera

hope this helps :)

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