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What did you see today that made you laugh?

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Pen is always a good collection Sean! Ask any woman .... ;)

Umm, no, my husband had hundreds!  All colours, shapes and sizes.  I gave them away by the dozen, threw away all that no longer wrote but even after 4 years I am still finding pens....  I  have a tub with 50 plus and there are possibly more hiding in drawers, boxes etc which I have yet to find.

Silly thing is that when I NEED a pen I can never find one :(

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working in town today beside some roadworks, council are doing some gardening work alongside them in the same site, seems a couple oif them had a falling out, few bits of foul language ect ,so one went off in a huff and got into the mf 54?? droop snoot they run with 955 loader, rolled forward slowley and lifted the back of the other guys transit up very very slowly so it was just off the floor ,got out locked up and wandered of to the other end of the site, 10 mins or so later the transit driver got in to go off somewhere, spent 5 mins trying to work out why the van would not move, he just could not see why, despite the loader being under him ,both fell about laughing at him and the resulting argument that happend once he twigged what he had done to him ,

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just had a slightly heated discussion with the wife  after my good pen disapeared of the side following one of her cleaning sessions,its one of the only pens we seem to have in the house actually, after 5 mins she said fine go look in my pen box under the desk if you dont belive i didnt move it ?? . pen box i reply, thats a new one, once opened so far i have found 42 working biros in there including my decent one  :of :of :of :of :of :of  and she claims she knew nothing about them :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:  what the hell did she want with 42 pens only got 2 hands afterall 

and no bill i am not starting a new topic about pen collections either ::) ::)::) ::)::) ::)::) ::)

Good story Sean I have the same problem with my wife.....I have to hide my favorite pens or they will be gone....it almost the same with drug store reading glasses I need to tie them down near the computer or my books that I am reading......drives me nuts or gets up my nose as you Brits say :D

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Good story Sean I have the same problem with my wife.....I have to hide my favorite pens or they will be gone....it almost the same with drug store reading glasses I need to tie them down near the computer or my books that I am reading......drives me nuts or gets up my nose as you Brits say :D

But, that's a man thing. You just cannot seem to grasp the concept of having a special 'place' for things, so that you can always find them when you need them (we have a box for keys and yet Frazer would sooner spend 10 minutes searching for them every day rather than put them in the box when he's finished with them ::) ). A pen box... that's where you will always find a pen... just logical that is ::);D ;D

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a work colleague decided today to loose it ever so slightly with me today after we were given one of "his" testers, after repeated attempts to tell him that its nothing to do with us, its just on loan to us, by the pair of us there on the reciving end, he proceeded to threaten that he would break my bloody neck and legs if i didnt give it back there and then, to which i weirdly enough, calmly walked away with my mate stopping him from following me, 10 mins later he was back, this time apologising big time after he was put well and truely in his place by my boss, his boss and the level 3 manager authorised the loan  after ringing them to conplain about my actions and theft of his kit :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:  just the right time to warn him the only leg breaking would be done by me and never to cross me again like that, talk about a sheepish departure by him

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But, that's a man thing. You just cannot seem to grasp the concept of having a special 'place' for things, so that you can always find them when you need them (we have a box for keys and yet Frazer would sooner spend 10 minutes searching for them every day rather than put them in the box when he's finished with them ::) ). A pen box... that's where you will always find a pen... just logical that is ::);D ;D


...think I must have been born the wrong sex.  :-[??? I TRY to have special "places" for things but they always seem to turn up somewhere else. :-\ :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

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But, that's a man thing. You just cannot seem to grasp the concept of having a special 'place' for things, so that you can always find them when you need them (we have a box for keys and yet Frazer would sooner spend 10 minutes searching for them every day rather than put them in the box when he's finished with them ::) ). A pen box... that's where you will always find a pen... just logical that is ::);D ;D

Reason number 1,000,008 why I should have married you Wilson... Diane drives me bloody potty with her (all too) regular game of hunt the keys... it's really not hard to put them in the same place every time is it  ::)>:( >:(>:( >:(
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But, that's a man thing. You just cannot seem to grasp the concept of having a special 'place' for things, so that you can always find them when you need them (we have a box for keys and yet Frazer would sooner spend 10 minutes searching for them every day rather than put them in the box when he's finished with them [img alt=::)]http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/Smileys/default/rolleyes.gif ). A pen box... that's where you will always find a pen... just logical that is [img alt=::)]http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/Smileys/default/rolleyes.gif [img alt=;D]http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/Smileys/default/grin.gif [img alt=;D]http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/Smileys/default/grin.gif

But if you're logical like TT  - when I ask for a pen she says 'Now where did I put then pen box??' ;D

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Reason number 1,000,008 why I should have married you Wilson... Diane drives me bloody potty with her (all too) regular game of hunt the keys... it's really not hard to put them in the same place every time is it  ::)>:( >:(>:( >:(

I know it's infuriating isn't... and I do find it hilarious when Frazer spends ages looking for them... and then finally thinks to look in the key box...  ::):D :D

... which is where I tidied them away ;D ;D

ps only 1,000,008... is that all we're on after 6 years of FTF >:(;D ;D ;D:-*:-*

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But if you're logical like TT  - when I ask for a pen she says 'Now where did I put then pen box??' ;D

Reason number 1,000,008 why I should have married you Wilson... Diane drives me bloody potty with her (all too) regular game of hunt the keys... it's really not hard to put them in the same place every time is it  ::)>:( >:(>:( >:(

Whew - what a relief.  I am not an in-betweeny after all ::) .  TT, Diana and I must be soulmates.

I wish I knew where I had put my craft knives which I know are "somewhere safe".  I had three and had to go and buy another.  ONE of the originals has turned up but now I cannot find the new one!

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Whew - what a relief.  I am not an in-betweeny after all ::) .  TT, Diana and I must be soulmates.

I wish I knew where I had put my craft knives which I know are "somewhere safe".  I had three and had to go and buy another.  ONE of the originals has turned up but now I cannot find the new one!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: look who is getting old..maybe time for less grayhounds and more like a guide dog...

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Internal Revenue Service decides to audit Paddy, and summons him to an appointment with the most thorough auditor in the office. The auditor is not suprised when Paddy shows up with his accountant.

The auditor says, "Well, sir, you have an extravagant lifestyle and no full-time employment, which you explain by saying that you win money gambling. I’m not sure the IRS finds that believable."

"I’m a great gambler, and I can prove it," says Paddy."How about a demonstration?" The auditor thinks for a moment and says, "Okay. You’re on!"

Paddy says, "I’ll bet you a thousand dollars that I can bite my own eye." The auditor thinks a moment and says, "No way! It’s a bet." Paddy removes his glass eye and bites it. The auditor’s jaw drops.

Paddy says, "Now, I’ll bet you two thousand dollars that I can bite my other eye."The auditor can tell Paddy isn’t blind, so he takes the bet Paddy removes his dentures and bites his good eye. The stunned auditor now realises he has bet and lost three thousand dollars, with Paddy’s accountant as a witness.

He starts to get nervous."Would you like to go double or nothing?" Paddy asks. "I’ll bet you six thousand dollars that I can stand on one side of your desk and pee into that rubbish bin on the other side, and never get a drop anywhere in between."

The auditor, twice burned, is cautious now, but he looks carefully and decides there’s no way Paddy can manage that stunt, so he agrees again. Paddy stands beside the desk and unzips his trousers, but although he strains like hell, he can’t make the stream reach the bin on other side, so he pretty much urinates all over the auditor’s desk.

The auditor leaps with joy, realizing that he has just turned a major loss into a big win.

But Paddy’s accountant moans and puts his head in his hands. "Are you okay?" the auditor asks. "Not really," says the accountant. "This morning, when Paddy told me he’d been summoned for an audit, he bet me $20,000 that he could come in here and piss all over your desk and that you’d be happy about it!"

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

The landlords reaction at my local when he came back from darts last night to find the parasol off the picnic table sticking out of his upstairs bedroom window and came marching through the pub with it................he hadn't found the baubles, scratch cards, can of fly spray or air freshner at that point ;D ;D ;D ;D

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Hearing my boss relay a co-worker's attempt to escape a dumper tipping over down a slope, after the man himself describe to me his "near death" experience and daring jump to safety. Turns out the machine rotated very slowly giving him plenty of time to step out the top side if he needed to (although the roll bar would have easily shielded him apparently). But what did he do? Lept out down the slope in the direction of fall, injuring his back -but luckily avoiding being crushed.

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