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What did you see today that made you laugh?

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This email from the UTS website

"Hullo sir, But i have one question though, are these toys or real stuff?

How can a tractor cost £25?

Your reply is very much appreciated."

Probably something like this? Thanks for your interest hows the weather in Plymouth been?

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its a random e-mail so more than likely hows the weather in arizona plops truth be known :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

for me, the cabling team that were helping us this morning, one guy known as" dod" (dirty old dave) for numerous reasons , was being chatted up by a very butch transgender person this morning, poor guy didnt know where to look or what to say as the tg stood there in his leather boots and short skirt, talking along with his deep voice and stubbled chin, even worse when he asked if he would be round later if so would he like a bite to eat, poor old dave was so red faced he could have been a telephone box :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Oiiiiiii! Settle down you lot..... It's bought, so the outfit may come out for a special outing once in a while....... :D As for cider, Butlins didn't offer any nice apple ripples so it was Jager Grenades, Vodka and Lager.... Hic!

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Man rang up this morning and asked if you could put 'detergent' in our power washers! :laugh: :laugh:

Had to explain that they were only models ::)

The danger of "googling" without really looking ;D ;D

For me it was a friend - went down to the town dump recycling centre only to find when she got there that she had forgotten to load the car!

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Predator the musical, in fact nearly all the Arnie films in musical and Rambo and Robocop too, click on the link first, then go to you tube and go from there

(quote; why are you shaving you don't have a beard) watch the video all will come clear ;D ;D ;D:lol:

Edited by Ghost
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  • 2 weeks later...

whilst walking round town today, there wa sa marque up for a "euro" food market and a collage / bussiness display/ event ,one of these was a series of fashion walks, with the music thumping away one started for a fancy dress shop, out comes snow white, followed by chewbacca, and a few other, then a ample young lady dressed in a heidi style outfit, as she dance round much to our amusment and a good few cheers to mind, she decided to "pop " out of the top of her outfit and belive me, we were all amazed it took that long, and that much effort to do it to , great way too make shopping more intresting mind

give her praise mind, after 20 seconds in the back after running off, she was back on and finihsed the dance, all be it with one hand holding the top up, and looking very red faced

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Reading some of the comments on the bbc news article about the deregulation of store trading hours for the olympics...

And anyhoo, surely putting on events on a sunday in a country who have sunday trading restrictions must've entered in to "the plan" at somepoint....??? :S apon reading, someone missed a trick... do no events on a sunday and thus allow the tourists to tour and shop during the restricted hours... best of both worlds????

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whilst walking round town today, there wa sa marque up for a "euro" food market and a collage / bussiness display/ event ,one of these was a series of fashion walks, with the music thumping away one started for a fancy dress shop, out comes snow white, followed by chewbacca, and a few other, then a ample young lady dressed in a heidi style outfit, as she dance round much to our amusment and a good few cheers to mind, she decided to "pop " out of the top of her outfit and belive me, we were all amazed it took that long, and that much effort to do it to , great way too make shopping more intresting mind

give her praise mind, after 20 seconds in the back after running off, she was back on and finihsed the dance, all be it with one hand holding the top up, and looking very red faced

A wardrobe malfunction, and no cameras to hand? Tsk..

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