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What did you see today that made you laugh?

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Did not laugh but gave me a chuckle, went shoping today and picked up a small folded brownish coloured paper, closer but discreet further inspection revealed the Queens head and the number ten, that's my Easter egg sorted! :)

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I shouldn't laugh really, but I did... a man in the US called me 'a jerk' because I opened an Unpaid Item Dispute on eBay. Never been called that before and the thing is it's taken him 2 months to even notice he'd received an Unpaid Item Strike against his eBay account.... I did explain that he would have had at least two automatic reminders directly from eBay and that I only have a 45-day window to reclaim my seller fees (plus I always wait as long as possible before taking action - in this case nearly 3 weeks)

Still chuckling though... I'm sure US citizens don't all go about calling each other names and hurling insults to complete strangers, without even considering that they could be in the wrong..do they Pops? ;)

Oh I do that all the time, it just slips out..thinking its old age is the reason and four years of abuse by Sean....Oh course never to a lovely lady like you..... :)

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I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I have a dial type thermometer with a needle pointer that sticks on the outside of a window. A spider has inveigled itself into the dial and has built a lovely web and trapped the pointer. Even in full sun it tells me it is 6C! How on earth do I a) remove the spider and B) get rid of the web? I cannot open the thing up because it is sealed!

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Having a good chuckle reading "Pop's Magnum" thread: http://www.farmtoysf...p?topic=24222.0

Oh pulleasseeeeeeeee don't bring that up again...Bloody swede, gave me pyles in those days.....However, my spelling has impovred since I got rid of the Sean Pullen Pox....

Aunty Sue must have the most interesting windows in the UK.....She's always got something going on with them....

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so if its sealed, how did the spider get in then sue? ???? ::) ::)::):laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Because it has a couple of vents at the bottom to allow for expansion/condensation - about 4mm wide at the most


Aunty Sue must have the most interesting windows in the UK.....She's always got something going on with them....

Outside them, Rick. Plenty going on; birds and other wildlife,, cats (once had a BIG cat in the field opposite), tractors, sprayers, combines etc

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Just had to nip next door to take a little wild rabbit away from the cat that brought it in through the catflap before he started tearing it apart on the kitchen floor, my Sister-in law asked me what was the best thing to do with it? It was already dead and not big enough to fry so I said 'put it in the re-cycling bin', my 9 year old Niece said , with a big wide smile and in a dry tone, 'it will then come back as a new bunny!' Roaring with laughter.

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  • 2 weeks later...

my uncles companys new toys ,apparently tommorrow their first days use is carting muck to the chicken turd power station ,and the heaps in a very muddy field , he recons the driver will spend more time cleaning it after than driving it in the day


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A couple of two nice new looking tractor units Sean..... but I cannot think that is a uncle of you sporting John Deere logo's....since well I assume you to be a bit like a piece of Blackpool rock...if we broke you open you would be Massey Ferguson through and through :lol:

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hes worked for that company since he was 13 or 14, as a saturday lad, then full time, hes 63 odd now ,fordson dealers at first then they became the uk's one of the first jd importers, first in the uk to break the 1 million sales targets, all sorts, own a huge amount of land to, and contract for other farmers, but my grandad and other uncles who worked our 3 farms stuck to mf, despite discounts he could get, i know paul tuckwell, but not as well as i know len tuckwell, the company founder ,as hes been out to familly bbq's ect and my uncle drives him over to france for the d-day stuff every year

they used to run mercs, had a huge fleet for farming stuff locally,

here you go, bit more info


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yesterday rather than today. I went to the racing kennels where my two dogs came from. Both dogs overjoyed to see the folks and promptly squeezed themselves onto the seats in the caravan alongside me. Spooky decided she wanted to site alongside John on the opposite seat and promptly walked across the table to do so!

Pity I did not have a camera handy to snap a large greyhound balanced on the small dinette table!

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Just watched the courier driver unload a pallet of Britains blues but during the process he managed to knock a load of other boxes off the side of the lorry. Don't think my laughing helped his mood.

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