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What did you see today that made you laugh?

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i did not see but heard today ,the contractors civilpek is working for this year were maize silaging .one of the trailers was roaring down the road maize blowing of trailer coverd a lady at bus stop ,her husband comes in from work she tells him ,he thinks i am not having that fair enough ,goes outside to slow trailer drivers down but he got in road to far ,tractor swerves tip ping both tractor and trailer over in his garden i know it is no laughing matter but it made me chuckle poor fella , then they had to get redrock loader in there to right trailer no one hurt so could have been worse

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i did not see but heard today ,the contractors civilpek is working for this year were maize silaging .one of the trailers was roaring down the road maize blowing of trailer coverd a lady at bus stop ,her husband comes in from work she tells him ,he thinks i am not having that fair enough ,goes outside to slow trailer drivers down but he got in road to far ,tractor swerves tip ping both tractor and trailer over in his garden i know it is no laughing matter but it made me chuckle poor fella , then they had to get redrock loader in there to right trailer no one hurt so could have been worse

We were maize silaging once and a tractor and trailrer was waiting for forager to change fields school bus was coming the other way so he pulled onto grass verge. then the woman came out and bollocked him for driving trailer on her grass, so he had an argument with her. Forager driver told him that she tried to stop local school having sports day on playing feilds behind her house.

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yesterday my dad was drilling by a road and i went down to see him on my bike. as i stood there watching him i saw a cyclist coming about 100 metres behind the drilll. as soon as he saw the drill he had his hand right over his face cause of the dust. there wasnt even that much as he went past I couldnet help but laugh at him

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Went out to a Same tiger 6 yesterday, ffarmer put in a piston 2mm to small and the wrong way around  :D.. he thought the job of replacing the piston was easy, so he just rammed it in and didnt think of wich way round  :D

hope you put it on the right way  ::) arrow facing the front

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sure its meant to go on metal, i work with that stuff everyday and still come home clean, but the amount of slag burn i have on me from welding is unreal  :D

exactly meant to go on metal :D but that doesnt stop it ending up across the workshop and down a pair of rigger boots  ::) ::):D :D

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Well since we moved to our new office complex there have beeing signs reverse parking preferred. Then last week end they changed to reverse parking to which not everyone has adhered. I always reverse park but I never read signs. After putting up the signs a global e-mail went out saying a major customer had noticed it was only preferred hence the change. Well they have now started sticking notes on culprits or calling car numbers over the tannoy to contact reception.

Well what did I laugh at well a smalll red Vauxhall Corsa that was reversed parked alright but almost diagonally in a space. Seems to me the company need to learn certain employees how to reverse park before making U will do instructions.

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I've never understood people who drive into parking spaces or driveways, Bill. The arguement is usually "I'm not very good at reversing". Yeah that's great so you're going to reverse into the flow of traffic even though you're not very good at reversing!

Always reverse in ;) I do believe it's in The Highway Code isn't it? Not that anybody reads it anymore!

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on driving assessments today where we were waiting there was a metal bench with the steel tubes that you lift the pin out and put the pin back in with a digger, there was a puddle by it, we filled one of the tubes up and dropped the pin back in the tube and ran away and i suppose you can imagine what happened  ::):D :D :D

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I've never understood people who drive into parking spaces or driveways, Bill. The arguement is usually "I'm not very good at reversing". Yeah that's great so you're going to reverse into the flow of traffic even though you're not very good at reversing!

Always reverse in ;) I do believe it's in The Highway Code isn't it? Not that anybody reads it anymore!

Had it not been raining when I left Tris I would have taken a photo since the car was abandoned 2 spaces up from me. Thank god they didn't try parking next to me.

Really makes me think the driving test needs to include reverse parking too

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I've never understood people who drive into parking spaces or driveways, Bill. The arguement is usually "I'm not very good at reversing". Yeah that's great so you're going to reverse into the flow of traffic even though you're not very good at reversing!

Always reverse in ;) I do believe it's in The Highway Code isn't it? Not that anybody reads it anymore!

we back into our drive but drive in to spaces on the car park so we can get into the boot ::)

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sheet of 8x4 plasterboard fell onto my bro's head after he insisted he had enough screws in it to hold it up, so i let go as instructed resulting in a thump, a lot of swearing then loads of laughter :D :D :D :D  :D  good job i got a spare sheet which was ment for something else i have to do wasnt it, 

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