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Hovis "Farmer's Lad" TV advert.

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i know the child labour people have been moaning about this add, and i bet they are wearing clothes produced by children in sweat shops in pakistan and the like. this add reminds me of my childhood but also shows how hard farm people work in all weathers and conditions.the lad wasnt driving or riding on anything he shoudnt have been and he had a dust mask on in the floor store.all the lad was doing was having a day out with his dad at work, would they rather him be sat on a sofa playing xbox weighing 15 stone. the look on his little face when dad said he had done good was great. thumbs up from this add for me.

Edited by chris.watson
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Hadn't seen the advert til now..

Pretty sad state regarding the people who complain as they simply haven't got anything else better todo with their sad little lives....As Chris said they would prefer them to sit all day on the xbox killing anything that moves on COD I guess

For me personally and I'm sure there are many others who can relate..it brought back a lot of memories..Although I don't recall the old man saying I did great ;D ;D

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The kid never had a clip round the ear, NOT REALISTIC!!

Or the use of stronger words when he forgot to close the gate ;D ;D

Personally I don't see what the problem is, I don't think I would change a thing abut growing up on a farm. Especially washing tractors, its good for the mind :laugh: The child labour bit is stupid really, I bet that kids who help on farms enjoy that more than most townie kids do. Especially those days when your first allowed to do something by yourself, or your praised for doing something, makes it all worth while

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well thats nothing i wasnt doing from 5/6ish onwards every holiday , out cleaning the corners of the pig pens with a fork ect, and i doubt many on here who are in farming now, or have been in the past that havn't done the same ,what do they think ,farmers wont allow their kids to help and learn the familly trade?? loose another farm when the son/ daughter has gone into some other job, then what would they be thinking???

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Being a 'child' myself i think the people who are complaining about child labour etc... nedd to get a life and stop complaining!! I have to do jobs like that whether i like it or not, i just think it as my duty to do it as a farmers son!! ;D ;D

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An 18st girl has just had to have her home dismantled so they could get her out for urgent surgery... says a lot about what harm the 'do gooders' cause. If we don't push ourselves as children (and have good role models like that hard-working farmer) how can we learn as adults... that's my opinion.

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I couldn't agree more, Mandy. You have summed it up nicely.

Children only really learn by experience and there is too much molly-coddling now. I washed the conservatory windows at the age of five because I wanted to and my mother a) allowed me to do so and B) washed them all properly after I went to bed. I was allowed to get muddy (like the windows I "washed") and if I wanted to help my grandfather when he was building a henhouse I was allowed to saw wood and hammer in nails. Nowadays giving a saw to a child under 6 would have folks today holding up their hands in horror, but properly supervised I learned that a saw was dangerous and more importantly I learned to handle one safely. What is more I ENJOYED MYSELF!

(Oh yes I should have said I washed the conservatory windows from a STEP LADDER!)

Hovis - that is a BRILLIANT advert

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the advert is a bit over the top,especially the lad pushing the land rover,but the ethic is right,but its just not farmers who work hard or need the weather right, dont forget all the other people that work outside in all sorts of weather,ie builders etc

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how do you mean over the top paul??? i pushed the old bedford bullnose van out when it was stuck, i see the comments aboutthe ad saying similar in the article on fwi via twitter ,about the posts going in manually, stuff like that, but lest we forget not every farm has post knockers, mini diggers all the super shiney kit that (bound to casue a argument now i bet ) the younger generation of new farmers want and expect to see, as your well aware just look arround dartmoor. it shows farmers as hard workers, which they all are at the end of the day, which 90% of people in supermarkets do not know, its not all driving arround in big luxary aircon tractors holding people up or what ever as most townies see farmers , its the animal husbandrary, the other day in day out stuff like building and farm maintenance. and personally i think the advert shows that very well to the general public

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how do you mean over the top paul??? i pushed the old bedford bullnose van out when it was stuck, i see the comments aboutthe ad saying similar in the article on fwi via twitter ,about the posts going in manually, stuff like that, but lest we forget not every farm has post knockers, mini diggers all the super shiney kit that (bound to casue a argument now i bet ) the younger generation of new farmers want and expect to see, as your well aware just look arround dartmoor. it shows farmers as hard workers, which they all are at the end of the day, which 90% of people in supermarkets do not know, its not all driving arround in big luxary aircon tractors holding people up or what ever as most townies see farmers , its the animal husbandrary, the other day in day out stuff like building and farm maintenance. and personally i think the advert shows that very well to the general public

i mean sean when he falls and his face is covered in mud,ive pushed vehicles out that are stuck,but never got that dirty,but it is an advert,my point is its just not farmers that work hard and work outdoors there are other people out there you and me included who work in bad weather,but we seem to get forgotten,a lot of farmers think they are the only ones who work hard,but there are millions of people out there working and grafting as well,and not in just nice weather
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i only got that dirty when me and my bro, would have fallouts, which usally ended in one of us pushed over into, or even a fork full of piggy dunggy being thrown at eachother :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: , i sort of see what you mean, but still dont really see it as over the top??

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how do you mean over the top paul??? i pushed the old bedford bullnose van out when it was stuck, i see the comments aboutthe ad saying similar in the article on fwi via twitter ,about the posts going in manually, stuff like that, but lest we forget not every farm has post knockers, mini diggers all the super shiney kit that (bound to casue a argument now i bet ) the younger generation of new farmers want and expect to see, as your well aware just look arround dartmoor. it shows farmers as hard workers, which they all are at the end of the day, which 90% of people in supermarkets do not know, its not all driving arround in big luxary aircon tractors holding people up or what ever as most townies see farmers , its the animal husbandrary, the other day in day out stuff like building and farm maintenance. and personally i think the advert shows that very well to the general public

good points sean.today we had 3 artics loads of milling wheat go from a 85 ton bin in the grain store.no self emptying bins on this farm, when the auger ran out, in me and the gaffer got and shoveled the last 15 ton out. bit hot it was today aswell!! i know other people in other trades work hard outside, but the point of this add was about farming. i have put many a fence post in before with those bangers when we had sheep, hard work it is too, but the mrs liked the arnold swarzenegger physique that came with it!!
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There are more trades that work outdoors in all weathers, true. This discussion is about one particular advert though which is all about the farming day. You chaps don't get forgotten, Paul but the discussion topic hasn't anything to do with other trades in this instance. As with the rest of you I see nothing wrong and while my working life didn't begin until I was 13 at a plant nursery and 15 on a farm, if I could have helped out on a farm at the age of 8 or 9 I know I would have. The people mocking or protesting the advert simply havn't a clue!

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There are more trades that work outdoors in all weathers, true. This discussion is about one particular advert though which is all about the farming day. You chaps don't get forgotten, Paul but the discussion topic hasn't anything to do with other trades in this instance. As with the rest of you I see nothing wrong and while my working life didn't begin until I was 13 at a plant nursery and 15 on a farm, if I could have helped out on a farm at the age of 8 or 9 I know I would have. The people mocking or protesting the advert simply havn't a clue!

i totally agree with you tris,and as i said, the ethic of the advert is correct,never did me any harm,just that i think as all adverts are,just a bit over the top,but im sure including me we have all done those jobs on the farm from a young age
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I really like this add I to think some day I will have a son to help me out on the farm just they way I did for my dad and still do. Working at a young age on the farm has given me a lot of life skills that young people my don't have.

Edited by BOB3085
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I really like this add I to think some day I will have a son to help me out on the farm just they way I did for my dad and still do. Working at a young age on the farm has given me a lot of life skills that young people my don't have.

...and, i would assume, respect for machinery and an eye for danger

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I really like this add I to think some day I will have a son to help me out on the farm just they way I did for my dad and still do. Working at a young age on the farm has given me a lot of life skills that young people my don't have.

I ditto that Robert ;D ;D

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