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Spalding Model Tractor Show - Autumn 2012


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After a long while away from farm models I am back!!

Enjoyed the trip down to the show today. Got there about 10:30 and it was not as busy as April but still a good showing I would say for the time of year/eco climate etc.... Didn't go for the show model, too ugly for me ;D Got some good deals from Barry at Udimore (superb to deal with), HLT and a couple of the smaller stalls. Got my first John Deere ever :of and my first Wiking all in one. Will post up some pics shortly. Got a nice County book too 8)

I was disappointed with the lack of decent conversions, or at least conversions at a sensible price I was hoping for more Counties, foragers, silage trailers and most of all slurry tankers but thems the breaks these guys can't get to every show :)

Overall great show though and a damn fine way to spend a sunday, thanks to all that managed to get their stalls there.

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Brilliant show as always. Huge thanks to everyone who came to see us at HLT (we really do have the nicest customers).

Niels and Mrs Niels are just soooooooooooooooo sweet - bought us baby pressies all the way from Holland.

Barry - pain in the ******* as usual, but we love 'im anyway (I do feel so sorry for poor Jax having to spend 4 hours in the cab with him and Stevie winding her up). She really needs a medal.

Mr Capon - bright and bubbly as always (even early in the morning... ugh).

Andy 'Big Cheese' really does look like he needs a holiday poor chap ;)

Hazel and Damien really are lovely - sorry I didn't get more time to chat Hazel and thanks for the offering to get us something to drink during the very busy day.

Also, thanks to Colin and his team for helping with the unloading on what could have been a very difficult day for us otherwise.

And a BIG THANKS to Stevie for helping us load up at the end of the day :)

Oooo and Karen Harris for lugging all those boxes over to our stand.

Great show, the best company anywhere and we thoroughly enjoyed it to sum up :)

ps (Hope I haven't missed anyone, but if I have it's only because I am rubbish with remembering names)

Edited by Lady Ferguson
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Referring to the UH 1455xl it seems their 'c*ck it up department' have done a fantastic job of messing up another lovely model! Hopefully someone will be making a set of proper decals soon!

800 visitors doesn't sound very good? I was there two years ago in October and really enjoyed it. Especially for brochure collectors as well.

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Great photo David..Chris really is a diamond geezer..listening to the two of you was really something ;)

Yep thanks to all of the wierdos who made it an enjoyable weekend. Thanks for all the laughs and all of the help..especially Carlijn who helped set up in a manic morning and Dirty Dave & Jamie who helped put things away.and pack the van.

I was surprised the official numbers were down at 800 as it felt busier than that but hey in this current planet it can only be expected.

Congratulations to the 6 lucky customers who purchased a MAP John Deere..

Thanks to the rest of you. Had some cracking chats with some new and old customers

Lastly I have to thank Satnav R2 Bumcrack Stevie who without his help / entertaining the missus and double JD & coke purchasing I would be completely lost thanks Buddy

And it all starts again in a few days..See you at Toytrac for another good crack :-*

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Good to speak to several members once again.

The show seemed quieter but plenty of new faces were seen and in general I think traders were happy. We were busy until mid afternoon where it then usually tails off.

Good to see some different kinds of exhibitors at the show including a few display themed ones.

Start of a cracking few weeks with shows coming thick and fast.

The day didn't start well though with the FTF server going down and having to fix it just as the show opened!

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did anyone take photos or is there any pics this year .....muggins here had to work nights and to rub salt in to the wounds i was delivering to grantham 12 hours after the show im gutted gutted gutted i tried to get lastnight off but everyone is off sick :(:( :( :(

hope everyone who went had a good time

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i had a great show, really enjoyed it. great to meet david, aka walterderwent, what a smashing fella. had a good chat with paul [pdc], another top bloke, bazzzzaa was brilliant as usual, and good to see graham and michele [g&m]. i am not suprised bazzza sold 6 M.A.P jd tractors really, at around 2pm i was chatting to david at the udimore stall and barry asked us if we were getting anything else at the show. i said nothing else for me as i had spent in excess of £630 quid already[ thank heavens for harvest overtime], and david[ mr derwent] said he had bought a few nice coversions which were a lot of money and that was it for him. within 10 mins of mr bazzzaaas charm and sales talk we both walked of with a M.A.P jd each. and i had already bought one!! HOW DID THAT HAPPEN! you could sell bulk snow to the arctic circle you could bazzzaa. :):of

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i had a great show, really enjoyed it. great to meet david, aka walterderwent, what a smashing fella. had a good chat with paul [pdc], another top bloke, bazzzzaa was brilliant as usual, and good to see graham and michele [g&m]. i am not suprised bazzza sold 6 M.A.P jd tractors really, at around 2pm i was chatting to david at the udimore stall and barry asked us if we were getting anything else at the show. i said nothing else for me as i had spent in excess of £630 quid already[ thank heavens for harvest overtime], and david[ mr derwent] said he had bought a few nice coversions which were a lot of money and that was it for him. within 10 mins of mr bazzzaaas charm and sales talk we both walked of with a M.A.P jd each. and i had already bought one!! HOW DID THAT HAPPEN! you could sell bulk snow to the arctic circle you could bazzzaa. :):of

Ha ha, pressure selling, he'll be on Watchdog this week (or Crimewatch with those looks) :P:-*:-* :-*:-* :-*

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Fluffy dice, rolex's, charm, wit, humour and hangovers all available from UTS :of

Got a phone call whilst sitting in the private jet >:D travelling back from Spalding last night and this weirdo wanted to order 2 of both the 4240s and the 4440 and I'd run out of the 4440's so that'll teach me ::)8) and 4 months til the next batch :-

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Right then ladies and gentemen, thought i'd make a start on my photographic round up from the Spalding Autumn Show. Starting with Brian Norman's stand. Brian as always had a fantastic selection of older Britains models and Ertl 1/16th scale aswell his own fine creations.



The latest Roadless release from G & B Models, an earlier 95 Ploughmaster. Very smart indeed. :)


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Martyn Reeve's stand filled with the latest releases, older Britains and plenty more besides.


As many collectors will know Martyn also builds bespoke limited runs of various tractors. His latest creations were 2wd and 4wd versions of Ford's 9700 which looked fantastic. I certainly couldn't resist the temptation and came home with a 2wd example. I'm planning on putting a small review together on this tractor.


Some of Martyn's other models included a very nice looking Claas trailed forager.


Brian Holmes's stand included many rare and unusual Britains items.


A regular attendee of the major model shows Dr Andy Sewell and his magnificent miniature works of engineering.


A model i've always taking a liking to on Andy's stand, his recreation in 1/32nd scale of the Massey Ferguson 30 series combine.


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G & M Farm Models stand including the major releases from the likes of Wiking on display.


Graham also had this unboxed New Holland 8070 combine on his stand.


Stephen Frater was alongside offering his comprehensive range of modified models. A couple of his Case IH 956XL variations joined my own miniature fleet on the day.



Malcolm Pegram had a fanatastic array of older Britains models available including a Power Farm New Holland TR combine which I was almost very, very tempted by, having had one as a kid.


More "Power Farming!"


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Next up a stand I could gaze at for hours on end and never get bored of looking at, Nigel Ford's Scaledown tractors kits. Whilst I could never imagine attemtping to start building such a kit myself I do have two fully built up tractors residing in my own collection built by other people which i'm very proud of.


How i'd love a cabinet filled with a line up like this some day.....


More from Nigel's stand.




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