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Zwolle 2012


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It was certainly a tiring end to the day yesterday but once again, an incredible show put on by the LCN. Next year already being looked forward too! Equally, a fantastic weekend with great company at the FTF Palace.

Far too much to see if you have a stand but I think between us, plenty of snaps of the show, to be shared. I've got a fair heap to sort through but wil share one of my favourite pictures, as a taster, which I took yesterday morning, of Johnny MF's fantastic (almost complete) MF699. :)


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Great first day here , very busy , but Neil's didn't arrive with our promised beer at 4 pm, there for he wasn't invited to the Saturday eve Ftf / model farmer do at the hotel , the booked groups great all be it all dressed in white, how ever we have got arround 100 in with us and some great fun being had

Sorry Sean, I was completely blacked out, it was busy... Ha ha. I will book the same hotel where you will stay, then we can definitely drink a beer. You own one of me. :D

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Rumour was,the new Wiking Ropa Euro Maus 4 may have made it's first appearance at Zwolle,but apparently that was not the case, :- :-



Joe, the Maus made its debut at the Ropa in house field day on Saturday. The maus is now available from Ropa for 149.00 Euros.


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Whilst i'm still a little bit dazed from from the amazing weekend i've just had, here's my first selection of photographs from this year's show. Where better to start than the incredible farmtoys.nl / Agriscale layout located just behind us in the entrance area to the "smaller" hall.







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Joe, the Maus made its debut at the Ropa in house field day on Saturday. The maus is now available from Ropa for 149.00 Euros.


Yes Marcus,I was aware of that fact,but the buzz around Zwolle was that someone was going to have a model of the Euro Maus at the show,

fantastic pictures David,and yes,i would have started with Henry's diorama too,so if you have 400 photo's,and Tris has 150,if Brian has 350,that should be a picture of every table,as there were 900 tables in all, ;D ;D ;)



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214 files being uploaded. . .. fairly damn slow too but I'll get some up as soon as I can. Most will be the same as Davids obviously but some may offer a bit of variation I hope!!

Mind you, Davids photos are sharp, crisp and superb I might add B)

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Yes Marcus,I was aware of that fact,but the buzz around Zwolle was that someone was going to have a model of the Euro Maus at the show,

fantastic pictures David,and yes,i would have started with Henry's diorama too,so if you have 400 photo's,and Tris has 150,if Brian has 350,that should be a picture of every table,as there were 900 tables in all, ;D ;D ;)



Thanks ever so much Joe. Henry's diorama was astonishingly good and it was great to see it being put together when we arrived on the friday evening....military precision. 8)

214 files being uploaded. . .. fairly damn slow too but I'll get some up as soon as I can. Most will be the same as Davids obviously but some may offer a bit of variation I hope!!

Mind you, Davids photos are sharp, crisp and superb I might add B)

Thanks Tris appreciated mate. I'll admit I didn't get round to photographing everything whilst I was chasing around each morning first thing, that said sunday morning was more a careful stroll after the previous evening's efforts....more eat, eat, eat and drink, drink, drink than click, click, click. ;D

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