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LCN Show Zwolle 2014


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Slight change of plans. Don't have to spend two days behind the tables for the first time this year. Lower sales and a bad economy have made sure of that. So instead it'll be a Saturday visit only and shuffling through the crow with my girlfriend. Hope to see you all there for the annual FTF reunion!

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As the title of this thread is "Going to Zwolle" I thought I would post up a pictorial account ofthe journey.



Whilst it started OK it then went developed a bit oif a problem as Andy's car developed a wheel wobble and the spare tyre prove impossible to get off, if anyone has a spare can of WD40 it would be most welcome right now.


Joining the tunnel train was the easy bit






Then it went to rats







Eventually we got going again





And we got here in the end






To be continued............................................

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As the title of this thread is "Going to Zwolle" I thought I would post up a pictorial account ofthe journey.



Whilst it started OK it then went developed a bit oif a problem as Andy's car developed a wheel wobble and the spare tyre prove impossible to get off, if anyone has a spare can of WD40 it would be most welcome right now.


Joining the tunnel train was the easy bit






Then it went to rats







Eventually we got going again





And we got here in the end






To be continued............................................



Ah well Mike a least you know what to get Andy for Christmas now ....a can of WD-40...which has a multitude of uses.


Good to see you had a supervisor there standing with hands in pockets making sure the job was being done properly ;D  ;D


Well at least you got there eventually ....and the hope the car behaves on the homeward journey.

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Nice to meet up with the guys again this year. Shame we didn't get to speak to each other Mike. If you guys need a hand in the end let me know! I'm only 30 min from Zwolle.


It was another nice show but the new (old) halls took a bit of getting used to. One big one is certainly much easier! I found it very crowded, lots of visitors but they all keep the money in their pockets. Nice to see the ever increasing amount of displays as well. What really makes it worth it for me!


Will post my new additions in the specific section. See you all next year.

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Thanks Neils, I was on the stand for most of the day until about 3ish when I went walkabout, I will be back again tomorrow, glutton for punishment that I am.



Carrying on with the setting up theme here are a few more from early today before the doors opened.












I believe that the head count through the door today was 5080 with a similar number expected tomorrow......phew

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The Members Model for 2014 was a Same Saturno this wasn't the only reason that I went this year but it made it all worthwhile. I will post some pictures of the model version in a few days time when I get it home and get it  out of the box but for now, this was the actual tractor that was measured for the model.











The other full sized tractor in the hall was an older Steyr as the theme of the LCN show model this year was a Steyr. There was a full sized modern version outside but David will have to post the pics of that one






Thats all for now, the bar beckons............................

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David went walkabout with his camera today and took about 500 photos in 1 hour, I didn't get any so you will have to wait a while until he gets back later this week and sorts through them.


Just don't ask Shaun about his sleeping arrangements ::)>:D >:D

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I have got the Show model (Steyr) and the the members model (Same Saturno). I think you might have some competition for the Same model as it is very sought after already.


I tnink you need to make plans for future years Chris, this is a very special show and well  worth the effort particularly for someone who takes their  models as seriously as you do.

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