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question on the ebay search system


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have a question for the guys out there that sell on ebay a lot , but also others who like me hunt on there . has ebay changed its categories for britains stuff ?? when you post the item , or has it altered its  search system recently.

I have always searched for " britains farm toys" and until recently that key words search used to bring me up 3500 - 4000 items on average every time ,all of a sudden , the last moth or so ,  I only get 1500 odd max  from that same search ,and very little seems to get added . I can get closer to the 4000 average when I use "britains farm" but it seems to have more livestock in there now than models, the same seems to have happened when I search for the lorries  for missing stuff, I used to get a good few ,100 odd ,now its maybe 25??

what key word search's do you guys use as i suspect its ebay that's altered something rather than something i am doing ,  

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yeah I can do that, but then you have to weed through all the sub sections in that till you get to what your after, that may take 4 or 5 clicks via the sub menus , my original search was a one click job that found me pretty much nothing but tractors and implements, ,not much in the way of livestock if that makes sence

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