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The Valley Axeman's Major Marshall Mission

Valley Axe Man

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5 hours ago, Tractorman810 said:

whats failed paul ?? just watched the video fine if you mean that ?

A couple of times now Sean when attaching photos it'll add a couple to the post but then will say say download failed and the photo doesn't get added to the post but the ones in front of it will show when posted... So hence the Leyland and and Marshall ones were in the first post and then I had to try again to post the Nuffield and the video clip.... Next time it does it I'll take a screenshot of the attachment box 

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14 hours ago, Valley Axe Man said:

Some of the last little bits done this weekend, apart from a now leaking power steering ram, but with the help of John JMD son Matt I reckon we can sort it.....I'm beginning to think seeing as I refitted the refurbished power steering pump that's making a bit more pressure than the one it replaced it's found a weak seal...... Decals on with the help of Gemma's brother Michael and a few touch ups of the paint work care of Gemma and myself.... I've lost track of the hours spent over the past 16 and half months but we've got there, our goal was to have a safe on the road, half tidy looking usable tractor that could be used as and when without fear and I think we've achieved what we set out......and she looks a bit different to how she arrived but couldn't have done it without Gemma's help and determination 









Very nice Paul

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23 hours ago, smithy said:

That looks great Paul/Gemma ,you hard work has paid off 👍

Cheers Smithy, aye I won't like to guess how many hours we spent on her but there's been a good few.... It's not put me off doing another one though, although next time I'd leave her in primer until after the test runs stage and then strip sandblast the tin and spray.... Then just finish her off.... To be fair she hasn't turned out too bad though despite going over budget 😂

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Absolutely stunning restoration Paul off such a rare tractor. It's a credit to both you and Gemma. I take it you won't stop there and  might take on another project down the line... Well done. Smashing looking machine now... 👌

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8 hours ago, justy 46 said:

Absolutely stunning restoration Paul off such a rare tractor. It's a credit to both you and Gemma. I take it you won't stop there and  might take on another project down the line... Well done. Smashing looking machine now... 👌

Cheers Justin, Thanks 👍,  no that's not the end of it, if she behaves herself after a few runs out I'll paint the engine block just to finish her off, and a few minor little bits like finding a expansion bottle bracket for the rad etc but nothing that stops us from using her.. but I'm pretty sure there be the odd bit that needs addressing once she's been warm a few more times..... 

There is a couple of ideas being bounced about for what the next project will be to add to the collection, it'll be with a Nuffield or Leyland based but before that happens I think it'll be get the wedding sorted and out the way........Unless an absolute bargain pops up between now and then 😂😂

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Bit of a surprise last night, Gemma bought me a photo book of project 22, when it's in front of you and it dawn's on you how many hours we actually put into her up at the workshop, and then makes you think how much time the concours resto guys must spend..... Nice surprise though and even though she ain't perfect, she's perfect to us to what we set out to achieve and given her a new lease of life 🙂

Just a selection of pages out the book but it does show progress pretty much all the way.... All we need now is a model of her 😉














Edited by Valley Axe Man
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Had a bit of help off Matt, John JMD son, he re sealed the power steering ram for me so we collected it and I've refit it and bled the steering this morning and seems a good job, it received a quick clean off and a coat of red lead, in all honesty the ram on the 804 that I replaced not long after I got it 5 years ago is still in red lead like the pto sheild so the 472 sheild got left as trademark Whitehead tractor collection and now they have matching red lead rams 😂 Cheers Matt for steering us in the right direction ( no pun intended) 😂👍



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She made it to the first day at Chipping Steam fair yesterday 🙂 to be fair looks well at side of the 804, we got caught on camera during the tractor parade by Dave Steele, but were lucky enough to be in the presence of a bit of rare gold in the shape of Ian  Greenway's Marshall 100 and rarer perkins powered 954 





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When we were up at the yard returning home from this year's Chipping Steam fair  (where I managed to get a group photo whilst on the front row of the parade) on Monday evening I couldn't help notice how early 80s this scene looked...... Only thing is if you look close you can see the Ifor hiding by the 465, but at first glance it could quite easy be back in the day on a Lancashire farm 😉 those eagle eyed of you might notice the Ifor has disappeared in the last photo when lad happened to edit it out for me 😂




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Seeing as th'owd Nuffy got left out from attending last weekends Chipping Steam fair, and with Gemma being at work i thought I'd take advantage of the good weather and give her a stretch of her legs seeing as it's been quite a while since she last see a lot of road, so popped the battery lead on and away we went on a pleasant 25 mile plus tour of the valley, to be fair she did alright, bit of a weeping halfshaft seal on the nearside rear  but its not running out and even though its leaking it doesnt warrant a strip down yet.... Even came across a bit of forestry thinning at top of Hunty..... I've all 3 tractors booked into our next local show in about a month's time at Longridge so that hopefully still have decent weather 👍 next job will be to sort out some models for next weeks tractorfest at Newby hall ........










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  • 2 weeks later...

Had a half hour drop by the yard this afternoon.... Seems strange not spending as much time up here of late without having as much to do but do have a few bits to do on 804 over next couple of months, and the odd job on the 465....  anyhow thought I'd see what the rig would look like for 3 weeks time and our next outing 😉 


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  • 3 weeks later...

Had an hour up at the yard giving tractors a quick wipe over and then loaded the 465 up ready for tomorrow and Goosnargh and Longridge show... Hoping the forecast is wrong and the worst of the rain and thunder showers pass us but somehow think we'll get wet at some point tomorrow 




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Good day yesterday and first time we've ever had all 3 tractors out at a show...the 465 isn't a big load for the 472 but she did good on the roads, just dropping a gear on the climbs, would say it's the first time she's had any weight behind her since she got parked up about 15 years ago before getting rescued by the fella I bought it off.. all in all it was a good day and she still looks well in the sunshine 




Edited by Valley Axe Man
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