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What really annoyed you today

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Oh dear little snake boy's upset about a silly little talent show what ever is the world coming to  ::) ::)::)

:D :D  - isn't that a 'lack of talent' show anyway...

What a pile of crap that show is.. I refuse to watch it.... it's just a pity Mrs F doesn't 'see things my way' ... still... I've rediscovered some great songs on iTunes on a Sunday night.. and I found my headphones

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One of my biggest pet hates is text talk. If I was to ever appear on the program Room 101 it would be first in line to dissapear into it's murky bowels followed very closely by reality TV shows. Now admittedly it means I tend to take more than a day to send a text message and that's before i've proof read it, which is why I ring people 99.9% of the time rather than text.

My specific frustration though relating to all of this is a response to a status update made by somone I know on a friend's facebook page, which was littered with text talk I could barely translate and on more than one occasion the word 'of' spelt 'ov'......What is the world coming to!

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One of my biggest pet hates is text talk. If I was to ever appear on the program Room 101 it would be first in line to dissapear into it's murky bowels followed very closely by reality TV shows. Now admittedly it means I tend to take more than a day to send a text message and that's before i've proof read it, which is why I ring people 99.9% of the time rather than text.

My specific frustration though relating to all of this is a response to a status update made by somone I know on a friend's facebook page, which was littered with text talk I could barely translate and on more than one occasion the word 'of' spelt 'ov'......What is the world coming to!

David, aren't you a bit young to be joining the world of us old fogies and pedants  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D I can't text to save my life and I fully agree with you, I can't understand what they are talking about, I have to get my kids to translate for me  :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\

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David, aren't you a bit young to be joining the world of us old fogies and pedants  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D I can't text to save my life and I fully agree with you, I can't understand what they are talking about, I have to get my kids to translate for me  :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\

Within the body of a 26 year old lurks the mindset of a much older generation from time to time I reckon Mike  ;D  I think a lot of my frustration with text talk stems from the fact i'm such a keen writer in my spare time and I was brought up through school just before mobile phones became common place amongst much younger generations, I still have no real clue how to use the predictive function on mine.  :D

Whilst on the subject of text talk and writing here's some lyrics I wrote vividly describing my grumpiness, they carry a PG certificate.  ;)


They're part of a small blog I keep updated from time to time with lyrics i've created on a whole host of other subjects too.

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There are some big words there, what does direptitiously actually mean as my spell checker doesn't recognise it and I have never heard it before?

I remember it popped up as my "word of the day" on an application I have on my facebook page, and I thought I had to use it whilst writing about something, this is the official dictionary definition:

Di*rep*ti"tious*ly\, adv. With plundering violence; by violent injustice.

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I agree with you David,  I HATE text talk when there is no need for it.  On a text message it is sensible to reduce the number of thumb presses (and cost) but anywhere else it is an abomination. 

"Laugh Out Loud" whether in full or abbreviated should be consigned to the pits in room 101 which concrete boots on its metaphorical feet.

Grumpy Old Woman.... >:(

        ;D ;D ;D

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Oh sugar!  I wish I hadn't said that about laying my bête noir to rest in What Pleased...  'cos I have now wrenched by back and cannot bend easily. 

I wouldn't mind if I had been trying to do something I should never have attempted but I was only putting a clean sheet on the bed!

Ouch, ouch, ouch. [insert agony smiley]  :'( :'(

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