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What really annoyed you today

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It's been a day of mixed emotions... Having just posted in the 'Pleased me today' topic I have also to write in here...

So.. get on with it Marky for god sake  ::) - what annoyed me today.... The British Criminal Justice System...

The "Richard Head" that was systematically stealing my fuel each week (to the total tune of £25-30k over 6 years) was in court on the 11th (having not showed up on the 10th.. this time under warrant)... he got 'let off' (in my opinion) with 80 hours community service, 12 months probation and costs to the court of £85 and to me of... wait for it... £195.07  ::):D :D

So... my advice... if you are thinking about doing something like this... go for it... if he had (say) £27,500 off me then he'll be getting paid about £340 per hour - that include the 'deductions' for paying me less than £200 of my money back.

To top it all... he's now on benefit.. so he'll be paying Ipswich magistrates court £20 per month.. so I have to wait for 10 months to get all my money... and pay (as a British tax payer) for some clerk to process his money... if it ever appears  ::)>:( >:(

I had to pay a private detective over £1,000 to catch him over a period of 2 weeks... he's worn the paint off my truck to bear metal - but the good old Crown Prosecutioner would only persue him for the crimes I had video evidence of ... how wrong is that....

The police officers worked very hard to get a conviction for me, for which I am grateful... but frankly I'd like to have thought the Crown would have been behind me... not him  >:( >:(>:(

I've had one last twist of the knife.. he is... no WAS a trustee of a charity.. not now  ;D:-*

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And a realy nast thing is that most mature stags can't breed as theyare too big and the breeding is done by hand or should i say mouth [img alt=???]http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/Smileys/default/huh.gif    Have seen a docu on kellys turkeys and I wouldnt like to do the"milking" with a rubber pipe and sucking through it to extract the semen [img alt=:of]http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/Smileys/default/shocked.gif

Now Marky - the above from the Turkey Topic would perhaps be a more suitable punishment for Richard Head?

Seriously, You have to think 'what goes round comes round' in this case. You are rightfully very angry and I don't blame you. >:(

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thanks Aunty Jo... I'm cross... but I can live with it.. I guess you have to move on and treat it as one of lifes learning experiences... there are a lot more people worse of than me in the world that's a fact.

Just as a final 'up yours' I am going to give my £195.07 to the CF trust

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thanks Aunty Jo... I'm cross... but I can live with it.. I guess you have to move on and treat it as one of lifes learning experiences... there are a lot more people worse of than me in the world that's a fact.

Just as a final 'up yours' I am going to give my £195.07 to the CF trust

You are a shining star Marky! :) Make sure he knows you are doing this. What charity was he trustee of?

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Snow turned wet later so I did go out.  Needed potatoes so went to the best fruit & veg shop in town and behold I found just what I was looking for as Christmas presents.  Before you ask they sell other produce too including gift packs and hampers.

Thanks Rick ( :angel:??? ).  All sorted

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Snow turned wet later so I did go out.  Needed potatoes so went to the best fruit & veg shop in town and behold I found just what I was looking for as Christmas presents.  Before you ask they sell other produce too including gift packs and hampers.

Thanks Rick ( :angel:??? ).  All sorted

I wont mind if my pressie is late :-*

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Haddigan Roundabout >:(

Oh dear not so good Andy it could not have broken down at a worse place...I hate the "huad - up again" roundabout and avoid it at all costs at peak times.

So what failed on the Vectra Andy ???

On a positive note although no one helped you at least none of than ran you over ;) ;)

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A wean of us from collage went to KFC, The two girls didn't want anything that was ok they sat down. Once i got mine i went and sat at the table and started opening it up, Once i started they Both started eating MY Chicken popcorn, My Chips and drinking My drink  ???  ??? 

Women, I dont get them at all  :of

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and you never will as you and they get older blake :D :D :D :D :D

A wean of us from collage went to KFC, The two girls didn't want anything that was ok they sat down. Once i got mine i went and sat at the table and started opening it up, Once i started they Both started eating MY Chicken popcorn, My Chips and drinking My drink  ???  ??? 

Women, I dont get them at all  :of

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