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What really annoyed you today

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So sorry to hear about this Andy, read about it in the paper today. Hope he improves soon. Having visited your house i can't beleive something like this could happen in the sleepy countryside. Words fail me relating to those responsible. All the best, Dode

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The 2 or 3 lads that attacked my 79 year old father last night and left him for dead as they casually strolled off, he is now critially ill in hospital with head injuries, all he was doing was trying to stop them stealing his car >:(

The Police have now cordoned off the house and grounds and we are not allowed in.

Very sorry to hear that Andy and hope he makes a full recovery. Best wishes to your Mum too after witnessing this.

You will be glad to know that this has gotten widespread coverage amongst the farming community:


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yet another shining example of how standards and values have slipped in the country of ours.. I wish your father a full & speedy recovery.

What annoyed me today... although this pales into insignificance in light of the above...

Another BLOODY tax investigation.. I only had one last year... another one for this year now.... GOD BLESS the inland revenue.

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yet another shining example of how standards and values have slipped in the country of ours.. I wish your father a full & speedy recovery.

What annoyed me today... although this pales into insignificance in light of the above...

Another BLOODY tax investigation.. I only had one last year... another one for this year now.... GOD BLESS the inland revenue.

Not being nosy but I bet they found something last year and are back to make sure it is right now!!

Seems the same standards apply both sides of the Irish Sea.

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You'd think so mate wouldn't you... that would make sense as well.. sadly that's not the case.. I know what they want this time - they missed out last time by spending a lot of money to get back very little.  Perhaps they think they can wring me out and make up for last years lack of reward - I've done my homework and I'm quietly confident..

at the minute anyway  :-[

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You'd think so mate wouldn't you... that would make sense as well.. sadly that's not the case.. I know what they want this time - they missed out last time by spending a lot of money to get back very little.  Perhaps they think they can wring me out and make up for last years lack of reward - I've done my homework and I'm quietly confident..

at the minute anyway  :-[

Barstewards!! Keep your toes on your accountant ;)

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by the sound of the calls and messages i am getting there is a long queue.

Mindless bullies like that should be put away for life.  If they cannot live in harmony in a  society then that society should exclude them from its benefits.  Your Dad and my Grandmother are both victims but society does not seem care about them as "Human Rights" seem to be only allowed for the perpetrators of a crime. >:(

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Mindless bullies like that should be put away for life.  If they cannot live in harmony in a  society then that society should exclude them from its benefits.  Your Dad and my Grandmother are both victims but society does not seem care about them as "Human Rights" seem to be only allowed for the perpetrators of a crime. >:(

Too true Sue,  >:( >:(>:( >:(

Law breakers seem to be the most protected species in Britain

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That's a shame mate, until further notice or have you been given a date?

The former, I've no idea what the problem is but I figure now is not the right time to enquire.

Another thing that has me spitting nails is my $%&45&^ internet connection, just missed 2 essential listings i was watching because the was a "problem loading page". **** that >:(

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Being talked into doing an 0% free balance transfer to find it only works if you never buy anything on that credit card once you make that transfer. If you do, every payment you make comes off the 0% free portion of your bill, leaving interest being charged on those purchases you made at the usually extortionate rate. Of course, it is in the small print, but even with my banking background I hadn't checked.

Apparently, the new government have brought in a bill that forces credit card companies to use your monthly payment to clear off all balances that are being charged at the higher rate. If the government felt this was just and necessary, it just shows how immoral and underhand are banks still are. I'm livid and have lodged a formal compaint >:( , but hopefully this info will safe someone else from making the same mistake >:(

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