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What really annoyed you today

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Yesterday I wasout with the old firm doinf a few deliveries, the blockworks where we get loaded always brings something to annoy you - waiting time, mucky track to loading area - but this time it was smething different. The girl in the office left her job for maternity leave, she is back now and 5 weeks gone again so guess what, more maternity leave. Aint the system great!!! I know blokes in higher positions got to be careful, Marky and F-P probably know all about it. Women get a soft ride as far as I am concerned. Whatever happened to the old way, you work hard and make the most of what you've got?

It seems now it is, you work if you want to but if not you'll get paid anyway. My sister had worked in the same job for 10yrs and just had her first maternity leave - which she   cut short because she felt responsible about her job. Mum and Dad have three of us, Dad worked every hour to make up for Mum not working, then we were were at school she got a day job to help.

Sorry for the rant but there are certain types of people that really annoy me. :( :( :( :( :(

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Yesterday I wasout with the old firm doinf a few deliveries, the blockworks where we get loaded always brings something to annoy you - waiting time, mucky track to loading area - but this time it was smething different. The girl in the office left her job for maternity leave, she is back now and 5 weeks gone again so guess what, more maternity leave. Aint the system great!!! I know blokes in higher positions got to be careful, Marky and F-P probably know all about it. Women get a soft ride as far as I am concerned. Whatever happened to the old way, you work hard and make the most of what you've got?

It seems now it is, you work if you want to but if not you'll get paid anyway. My sister had worked in the same job for 10yrs and just had her first maternity leave - which she   cut short because she felt responsible about her job. Mum and Dad have three of us, Dad worked every hour to make up for Mum not working, then we were were at school she got a day job to help.

Sorry for the rant but there are certain types of people that really annoy me. :( :( :( :( :(

All very true Tris... And when Mrs F had our two she stopped work and we had to cut down on our outgoings as well... the system favours the employee and not the employer that's for sure - Maternity pay cripples small businesses like ours.. as does having to be without the key worker who has left us for 6 months  :'( :'(

I suppose it's how we all got here (except Barry - he was cultured in a petri dish) - but modern times mean that mums have (want more like) to work - it's the standard of living in the UK that has risen steeply over the last few years... and we are all in the rat race.  :-\

Anyway what am I on about... lets just play with display our tractors and forget about the whole thing  ;D::)

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Then you get the other end of the spectrum my dad activly encorages my mother not to work "by work i mean a paid job" cos it makes his life so much less stressfull!! and for some bazar reason she is quite happy not to work and play in her garden!????? wonder y that is ??? ???

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The fact theat when I left my old firm to take up my current job it was a snap decision. Now, 18 months on my ex-boss is offering me big possibilities that out shine hauling floaters for a living and yet the decision is harder to make ten fold.

??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

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The fact theat when I left my old firm to take up my current job it was a snap decision. Now, 18 months on my ex-boss is offering me big possibilities that out shine hauling floaters for a living and yet the decision is harder to make ten fold.

??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

Let your heart tell you what to do Tris.....

Luke... Luke... feel the force form within you my son  ;D

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Guest Fendt pwr
Just twice in two weeks... you lucky sod... EVERY night I get home Mrs F says - your dinner's in the dog fatso  :'( :'(

I got him back the other day,I left his cracker tin open so the mice would get in there and do a few poo's on his crackers. ;D

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A most useless sh!tbag of a ewe mother too busy chasing feed bags in the wind and eating cake than tending to her lamb, only to run off again when re-united.  ::)

Or the one that's in the lamb creep every morning  >:(

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