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What really annoyed you today

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Writing off my mobile by leaving it in the pocket of my work trousers and putting them in the washing machine not realising. More money down the drain, I'm such a careless idiot! >:(

Try putting it somewhere warm (airing cupboard etc)... my Nokia went through the washing and I dropped it down the loo in Weatherspoons and it survived ;)

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Try putting it somewhere warm (airing cupboard etc)... my Nokia went through the washing and I dropped it down the loo in Weatherspoons and it survived ;)

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I would like to hear that story....

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Chris do what Mandy said. My Nokia went in a bucket of dairy line cleaner. A couple of days disassembled in the airing cupboard and voila, back to fully operational again :)

Annoyed at myself today though. Went to bed an hour early, missed my alarms at 4am waking and two hours late >:(

Feel great though! :D

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the police.

dropped a friend in liverpool 1, driving back to childwall, blue lights in the rear view mirror. pulled over, took a seat in the police vectra, was told that i had no insurance according to their database....30mins and some phone calls later they said anyone with the policy holder's permission can drive my car, so i said the policy holder is my dad, they said you have permission. he bid me good day,  i went on my way...

30mins i'm not getting back.

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Chris do what Mandy said. My Nokia went in a bucket of dairy line cleaner. A couple of days disassembled in the airing cupboard and voila, back to fully operational again :)

Annoyed at myself today though. Went to bed an hour early, missed my alarms at 4am waking and two hours late >:(

Feel great though! :D

It might only be Nokias of course that can put up with a dunking and drying out experience... don't think I'll try it with my new Blackberry ::)

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Having repaired and remoulded the arm of my carver chair with several applications of wood filler after one of the dogs chewed the end off I come downstairs today to find the OTHER dog returning it to the original chewed state! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr >:( >:( (and I did grrrrowwlllll)

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It was in my back pocket and flew out as I went to sit down :-[:-[ :-[:-[ :-[:-[ :-[ ... not enough room for all the embarrassed smilies I need for that story  :-[:-[ :-[:-[ :-[:-[ .... but it did drop in clean water I hasten to add ::)

at least it was before, guy at work lost his after a number 2, imagine fishing that out  ;D ;D ;D

a really good way of drying them out is those dessicant packs they put on trainers, stuff like that ,drying on a rad or airing cupboard does work, but it doesnt always dry the inners properly, these draw all the damp air out if you seal them in a bag with the mobile, i have saved my work one 3 times now doing this, usally takes a couple of days, but its still going

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At work today I was hiding columns on some excel files and I inadvertantly hit a hide a window or file icon and started getting strange window security messages about enabling and disabling. Neither worked and I was hopping mad. I tried someone in It to have a quick look but they are not supposed to since we have to go through a call centre in India and they cannot even pronounce my surname >:( >:(

Anyway before the chap in Aberdeen came over I was able to work it out and discover what I had done. I have never done that before in excel but heck I have learned once again from my mistakes ;) ;)

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women, when i get a cold(which is rarish) i am practically isolated in the spare room, no touching ect, i quote "i aint got time to be ill" yet she gets a cold, and its all "i need a cuddle,blah blah , as i dont feel well" , now whos got a stinker of a cold yeap me >:( >:(>:( >:(

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My boss, in times when people are jumping on the band wagon about spraying he's been out applying liquid fertiliser in winds gusting at 50-60mph, yes you can put it on in a little wind but this is beyond a joke and asking for trouble in my opinion. Also the furrow press (aka spawn of satan), its currently dumped three quarters of the way across a field where I got so annoyed with it I wouldn't use it on the rest of the field, its 30+ years old and completely knackered but they won't replace it ::)

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My boss, in times when people are jumping on the band wagon about spraying he's been out applying liquid fertiliser in winds gusting at 50-60mph, yes you can put it on in a little wind but this is beyond a joke and asking for trouble in my opinion. Also the furrow press (aka spawn of satan), its currently dumped three quarters of the way across a field where I got so annoyed with it I wouldn't use it on the rest of the field, its 30+ years old and completely knackered but they won't replace it ::)

cant have a nice new shiney nh, and a press to gav  ;D ;D ;D

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i am pretty dam unwell now, didnt really sleep last night, heads blocked solid, was up at 4am as i was keeping her awake which was unfair, went back to bed arround 8ish when she got up, so managed a 2 hrs power nap , sue is actually worried i may have swine flu??? but it just feels like a real bad cold to me, certainly not experiancing any symptons my mate had with swine flu over xmas

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