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What really annoyed you today

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We have all done something similar. Try rewashing it with Vanish Oxy White.

I had a white pillowcase that turned pale green having been washed with a dark green shirt.  Just washing (many times) did not remove all the colour but Vanish did the trick.

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I don't know whether this Annoyed me or Made me Laugh!

I scraped the nearside front bumper against my house wall.  It was just a caress but being plastic and the wall being rendered the bumper now has a fist sized area of missing paint in narrow strips.  The car had to be MOT'd so I asked for a quote for repairing the damage (rub down and paint). 

The quote arrived in the post and my hair stood on end smiley-shocked003.gif....

...£450!  smiley-shocked019.gif

I rang them - "You must be having a laugh".  They are quoting for a replacement headlamp unit, replacement bumper, £75 worth of paint plus labour.

There is a very tiny scrape along the lower edge of the headlight outer lens protector but nothing is broken and the scrape is so small it would cause no problem even if it had been larger.  It is not as if I HIT the wall - it was a gentle kiss!

I have a promise that the chap who quoted will call me on tuesday. 

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That's outrages Sue I'm thinking they're trying to charge you for thing that they wont do like replacement bumper and headlight :of

I think he must have thought it was an insurance claim.  I have dealt with this garage for over twenty years and know I will get what I want.  It is a main agent but is also a family business which has dealt fairly over the years.  I shall gently point out that my car would not have fllown through its MOT if there had been a problem with the light.  In fairness to the man in the bodyshop I have to say he had my request second hand but I was puzzled when I was told the quote would be posted as he had to type it up.  I could not understand what there would be apart from paint and labour!

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cyclists , especially the ones that speed up as you try & over take  >:(  cars that sit behind you on a nice straight road & wont over take then as it gets abit narrower & not as good road they try & push past & cars on roundabouts....... ohhh & bus's  :laugh: :laugh:

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having this "sickness" bug thing. It chokes up your head and knackers your digestive system. Basically land up having wind 24/7. you feel sick, get to the point you feel like you want to throw up but never do. and because you feel full you struggle to eat which makes things worse as you cant tell if your full or empty. it lands up making life hell because you start debating if you trust yourself to go anywhere. >:( other than that life is peachy!

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having this "sickness" bug thing. It chokes up your head and knackers your digestive system. Basically land up having wind 24/7. you feel sick, get to the point you feel like you want to throw up but never do. and because you feel full you struggle to eat which makes things worse as you cant tell if your full or empty. it lands up making life hell because you start debating if you trust yourself to go anywhere. >:( other than that life is peachy!

Have you been to the GP? Don't want to alarm you, but I had something similar a few years ago and it turned out to be a horrible infection that I got from swimming in a river in France. I had all the sypmtoms that you describe.  It could only be treated with strong anti-biotics. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giardia

I hope you get better soon.  :)

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My pathetic excuse of a school.

We aren't allowed to take our blazers off, so that when it's boiling hot we're just going to have to sit there and sweat like a fat man in a bakery? Not to mention they aren't comfortable!

Only allowed to wear black socks and nothing else otherwise we get a detention, not even allowed white or grey socks?

They spent several thousand pounds on an obstacle course last year that you aren't even allowed to sit on letalone use even though there is a bench right next to it, so if you're sitting on there watching tractors whilst eating your dinner you get a strike, 2 strikes and it's a lunchtime detention, 3 and it's an afterschool, FOR SITTING ON A BENCH?!

They call it your 'lunch hour', it says in your planner it's 40 minutes, and in reality it's actually 35 minutes.

They spent another load of thousand pounds on a state of the art fitness suite that we never get to use.

They have forced me to take French, even though i have been planning for the last 3 years to drop French, so i am now under acheiving in French due to the fact i thought i was meant to be dropping it, not to mention the teacher has a dislike for me.

Half of my teachers are supply teachers that means we're living out of textbooks.

We're meant to bring reading books to read in form, thankfully i had a word with my form tutor and i'm allowed to read Farmers Weekly, highlight of my school year.  ;D

I could go on, but i think you have the general idea.

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My pathetic excuse of a school.

We aren't allowed to take our blazers off, so that when it's boiling hot we're just going to have to sit there and sweat like a fat man in a bakery? Not to mention they aren't comfortable!

Only allowed to wear black socks and nothing else otherwise we get a detention, not even allowed white or grey socks?

They spent several thousand pounds on an obstacle course last year that you aren't even allowed to sit on letalone use even though there is a bench right next to it, so if you're sitting on there watching tractors whilst eating your dinner you get a strike, 2 strikes and it's a lunchtime detention, 3 and it's an afterschool, FOR SITTING ON A BENCH?!

They call it your 'lunch hour', it says in your planner it's 40 minutes, and in reality it's actually 35 minutes.

They spent another load of thousand pounds on a state of the art fitness suite that we never get to use.

They have forced me to take French, even though i have been planning for the last 3 years to drop French, so i am now under acheiving in French due to the fact i thought i was meant to be dropping it, not to mention the teacher has a dislike for me.

Half of my teachers are supply teachers that means we're living out of textbooks.

We're meant to bring reading books to read in form, thankfully i had a word with my form tutor and i'm allowed to read Farmers Weekly, highlight of my school year.  ;D

I could go on, but i think you have the general idea.

Sounds tough, Josh - but if you can cope with all that you'll cope with anything when you finish school.

Re: the French. I hated it, never thought I'd need, but even my limited knowledge of the language has been an absolute godsend since I started HLT. My advise is simply 'learn everything you can and grasp every opportunity' because you never know what you might need later in life :)

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You have not been swimming in The Thames with David Walliams have you or. . . No . . . are you? Can't be . . . . Surely?

You're not David Walliams? :of???:of

I have as much buoyancy as a brick so you wont catch moi swimming anywhere let alone the ruddy Thames!

Im better today, still just not perfect..... trying to eat little edit: but often seems to help a bit. debating if i can trust myself enough today to spend an hour on a bus going to offshore Europe

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Sounds tough, Josh - but if you can cope with all that you'll cope with anything when you finish school.

Re: the French. I hated it, never thought I'd need, but even my limited knowledge of the language has been an absolute godsend since I started HLT. My advise is simply 'learn everything you can and grasp every opportunity' because you never know what you might need later in life :)

Reason 100,002 as to why I love you Wilson  :-*  ...
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3 CAT,s D9s all off slag heaps arrived in the yard this morning ,be at least 2 days pressure washing each one before they can go in the workshop ,got 8 wheelbarrows of coal off 4 belly guards [4 belly guards per crawler]

on the plus side, 8 barrows full of coal is pretty handy if you have a nice open fire to use it on  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
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