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No there wasn't, but hotel security checked CCTV, caught the number plate, matched it with a resident and I have had a nice chat with the person who done it and my wallet is now £250 heavier than when I left home, brother says he can get a new one for £110 and respray the door for £50 and a pint

A pint, cheeky git, hope you told him where to stick it!!!!

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A pint, cheeky git, hope you told him where to stick it!!!!

na, it was either get him to do it or get a company in to do it for twice the price, plus, I could do with a pint aswell so it give me a reason to have one,
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well today was going well until lunch time when i got in the l200,started the engine,turned the heater on and the crack, a 4 foot crack opened up in the windscreen, phone autoglass, they say that the insurance will cover it, phone the insurance and they say itll be covered and all that, go to autoglass where they say theyll not be able to do it until tuesday, ragin

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A similar thing happened to me back in the year.  Mine was only a 2 ft crack but then my windscreen is a lot smaller.  Autoglass had to order a replacement specially so I had to wait 3 or 4 days.  At least with a laminated screen I could still drive but the crack got longer and longer!


Hope they turn up today for you, Harry.

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Discovery being reluctant to start again now its turned colder, battery is down again, took it to the auto electrical place and there computer says its fine........it would read fine as I just drove 15 miles to get there so it is fully charged!!! Had the exact same problem with their damn computer last year when another one said it was dead so they want it in to do drain tests on it before they will issue another one under warranty, already know there's no drains as its been checked already!!! Outcome is I've gone elsewhere and bought a different brand of battery at my cost as it'll be cheaper than their bill for the tests that I don't need done on it ::)

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Just been making plans to do some more home brewing. A few cider concotions on the way :P

Just realised I've posted this in the wrong topic. I really aren't with it these last few weeks

Edited by Jdeere6910
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Had my tanks tampered with last night near Bedford, luckily they hadn't got away with much. I heard a couple of noises so peeked out of a gap in the curtains, couldn't see anything so drew them back and a black car teared off away from my nearside and off down the A421. Pretty professional, they were parked on the bank out of sight of the road and other vehicles. I assume someone sat in the back had an old pump and battery and some cans all ready without even having to get out.

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I didn't think I would to be honest, Sue. It was only 8.30 when it happened, I guess we expect it in the middle of the small hours but not as early as that. I did actually sleep straight through to the alarm from about 9.30pm so it wasn't too bad. Woke to see both fuel caps in place, locked and the fuel guage still reading the same. I filled up yesterday.... £885's worth, had used just under half by the time I'd pulled up for the say.

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I wonder if the would be thieves thought you would be away or perhaps watching telly with the volume turned up.  At least they did not get your fuel.

I did have the engine running just beforehand so I wondered if they came into the layby on the off chance, seeing a chance they took it maybe? Either way, tonight I am parked up with a lamp post right by the tank for a bit of hopeful added security!

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She'll carry 700L between two tanks, Barry. This visit was 587L and the price was on the pump but it will be cheaper than that as we use Keyfuels which is a fuel bunkering account network which individual truckstops, garages etc sign up to. Shame you can't use your Nectar card in conjunction with fuel purchases as this was a BP stop!!

Since filling up yesterday I have done 855 kms and the guage is about half so at a guess I have used 350L? Works out at 7mpg ish which doesn't sound much to, lots of traffic stop starting yesterday and two cross country trips today dragged it down a bit I'd guess. I'll see how much it takes to drag a load of hay to Aberystwyth next week!

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lucky escape then tris, guess even with a lamp post there they would still try if they really wanted the derv.  i asume the breakdown was nothing to major then? 

The lampost isn't on but it's in the way of any would be cars getting along side the tank to try the same trick. Whilst they'd try almost anything, they still don't want to get caught so any hassle is a no-no. Alternator brushes had burned out but the nuts sheared off the brush pack so he stuck a new alternator on.

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I worked from home for the past two days and came back to work to find desktop support had taken away my destop computer. All very well but C drive and favs not copied over as requested on the swap out ticket. Now I can't print...Indian can't help since they need IP address and no IP address on printer. One IT chap tried and failed since the PIN code worked for him but not with my user ID. I will have to wait until another IT chap comes in. Oh and the UK MD disppensed with the services of the head of Aberdeenof IT yesterday. I wished I had worked from home as well today....but hey ho at least it is Friday 8)

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