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my mother because she alway's looking what i am looking on the internet

and she always asks stuppid questions >:(

And she is always qurius  >:(

my mum has not got round to asking me that yet but i would never go on that sort of websites not saying you do johny only thing i do when on the computer is go on FTF ;) and mabe BEBO if i feel like it

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my mum has not got round to asking me that yet but i would never go on that sort of websites not saying you do johny only thing i do when on the computer is go on FTF ;) and mabe BEBO if i feel like it

  ;D sorry mate not that kind off website's you where thinking off  ;D

i where looking at FTF (topic latest purchase march 2008!)

and the she begon to ask stupid questions like why don't you sell youre boxes of youre models like that guy dous ???

I looked and i only see the purchases off Kuhn siku mowers

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  ;D sorry mate not that kind off website's you where thinking off  ;D

i where looking at FTF (topic latest purchase march 2008!)

and the she begon to ask stupid questions like why don't you sell youre boxes of youre models like that guy dous ???

I looked and i only see the purchases off Kuhn siku mowers

haha she wants you to get a bit of money

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the wife just trying to list some items on ebay ans she goes and pulls them off the table so now really broken >:( >:(>:( >:(

shall i sell them or her ??? ??? ???

Her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gods sake woman, don't you know nuffink?!!! It ain't good news Rich. .. it ain't good at all.  :(

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ebay, been ripped of of 40 quid seller closed the account ,stopped the e-mail the day after and not a word since  >:( >:( ebay accept the account is closed and clearly somethings up,. but wont allow me to statrt complaint to get money back(paypal) for 10 days and then due to the nature it could take 10 weeks to sort >:( >:(>:( >:(>:(

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Moderators abusing their position  :( :( :(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:( No I'm not a star of Broke Back Mountain although there is an awesome International Artic in it  ;D ;D

Sounds like some one's touched on a raw nerve there Jez you sure there's nothing you want to get of your chest  ;) ;) ;D ;D
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johndeerematty, i agree you dont start smoking cause of stress people start it for the reasons markey ferguson said to be truefull he is just useing it as an escuse to start. Mabye he thinks he can WIN the girl back ::) Tell him to stop if he doesnt then he will be STRESSED  >:(  When my dad smoked he said it calmed him down when he was cross or stessed but thats not the reason he started. He started when my untie was dying and she couldnt roll her cigarets (the doctor said it wouldnt make any diffence is she stopped smoking by the way) so my dad rolled her one. He had one puff on it and that was enough to start him smoking again after 14 years of not, now he has stopped and that was detemaniation that made him  ;):) If your mate stops now then it will be a lot easyer than when he trys to stop in 15+ years time

Anyway you know all of that sorry didnt mean to go on  ;D

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johndeerematty, i agree you dont start smoking cause of stress people start it for the reasons markey ferguson said to be truefull he is just useing it as an escuse to start. Mabye he thinks he can WIN the girl back ::) Tell him to stop if he doesnt then he will be STRESSED  >:(  When my dad smoked he said it calmed him down when he was cross or stessed but thats not the reason he started. He started when my untie was dying and she couldnt roll her cigarets (the doctor said it wouldnt make any diffence is she stopped smoking by the way) so my dad rolled her one. He had one puff on it and that was enough to start him smoking again after 14 years of not, now he has stopped and that was detemaniation that made him  ;):) If your mate stops now then it will be a lot easyer than when he trys to stop in 15+ years time

Anyway you know all of that sorry didnt mean to go on  ;D

thanks for the responce, very sad story that us. well my da smokes a pipe since he was 15(my age) and still is and he's 51 next month :o:-[ and ive given up on trying to make him stop, no point!!

i was in the same position as you matty about a 1yr , the only way we sorted it was by arguing  :-[ we all said that we'll tell his old girl and touch wood he has stopped  :-:-[ hope it works out and you can still be friends matty  :(:)

yea well it may seem that i'm not being a good friend and making a big deal over nothing. but he's close to being disowned :D but i think having a go at him won't stop him because he'll just say, ''it's my life!!'' but i think i'll argue with him anyway :-\ ;D but it was the fact that he was such a good lad up till last summer, he wouldn't have touched the fags then :-\ feel like giving him a glasgow kiss :D :D only joking, i don't think it'll go that far ::):D

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That doesn't sound like you Matty, I can't imagine you ever arguing with anyone ::);D:D :D ;)

Several of my mates started smoking at that age, some have given up, others who said they would give up easily after GCSE's have never been able to. I don't know what its like where everyone else is but around here it seems more and more girls are taking the habit up and I have seen kids (lets face it that they are) as young as 12 smoking in town. If they'd seen someone die of cancer it would be enough to put them off I would imagine

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welcome to the real matthew murray gav :D

yea most of the girls in my school started smoking at 13/14 and most boys are starting now 14/15  :-\ girls think it makes them loose weight because they don't eat as much.... one piece of advice from me would be, STOP EATING FLIPPIN KIT-KATS :D;) yea that would put anyone off the fags alright, one position i would never want to face in life :'(

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That doesn't sound like you Matty, I can't imagine you ever arguing with anyone ::);D:D :D ;)

Several of my mates started smoking at that age, some have given up, others who said they would give up easily after GCSE's have never been able to. I don't know what its like where everyone else is but around here it seems more and more girls are taking the habit up and I have seen kids (lets face it that they are) as young as 12 smoking in town. If they'd seen someone die of cancer it would be enough to put them off I would imagine

definatly gav alot of the younger women around 18 - 25 are the big smokers here, but back in the day when i was at that hell hole called school there were boys and grils as young as 11 smoking and it was the older pupils that were getting them started

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I have actually turned down a date with a girl because she smoked, I can't stand it, it's like snogging an ash tray >:(

I lost my Dad to cancer when I was 17, my sister was only 16. He was diagnosed with bowel cancer in autumn 1997, the treatment didn't work and was stopped just after Christmas that year, the cancer was too far advanced. He was given 12-18 months but died in May 1998, he'd smoked since he was 12-13 but no one knows if it was that that caused it, the pesticides of the 60's and 70's when he was farming or just in the genes. His sister has since died of the same thing. It's certainly enough to put anyone off the habit seeing someone suffer like that

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I have actually turned down a date with a girl because she smoked, I can't stand it, it's like snogging an ash tray >:(

so have i gav, lost my grandad to a smoking related desiese, not cancer fortunatly, but they said it was bought on by smoking, he hadnt smoked for a good 20 years ,infact since i was born, but it still got him, persoanlly never tried it and have never wanted to

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Two things, the head gasket went on tamsins car....bad.....but worse I brought 2 Britains models from Vectis auctions a 1976 unimog and a 1978 deutz 110 both in mint boxes they sent them via parceline tried to deliver them while I was at work on Wednsday then rather than trying to re deliver the next day they put a note in the post box to say they had left the parcel in the BIN ??? ??? and guess what.... yes they were emptied before I got home.

I am open mouthed with amazement not to mention ?100 down, with nothing to show for it :-\ :-\

And its raining!

Ahhhhh deep breath, rant over, do I feel better, possibly ;)

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