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What really annoyed you today

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Look on the bright side David.. you are probably the only bloke in Yorkshire tonight that can quote his noses 'MPG'  ;):D :D :D

That's very true Mark.  :D  Plus, once it runs out i'll be able to fuel it from the fumes that filled the fabric of my jacket too, which no amount of Febreeze has managed to get rid of yet. :)

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hope you dont smoke..instant haircut and shave  :'( 

I've been endeavouring to quit the ciggies again since the new year tractorbob, now I have another reason to avoid them other than the usual reasons. :)

Could be a surprise remedy for that skin problem of yours - this is how miracles happen!!!! ;)

Anything's better at the moment than some of pointless prescriptions i'm wasting my money on Jo, may have to suggest it as an alternative therapy when I next visit my skin specialist in February. :) 

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I've been endeavouring to quit the ciggies again since the new year tractorbob, now I have another reason to avoid them other than the usual reasons. :)


Anything's better at the moment than some of pointless prescriptions i'm wasting my money on Jo, may have to suggest it as an alternative therapy when I next visit my skin specialist in February. :)

I wonder if you know where Vaseline comes from? (clue is "petroleum jelly").  Wonderful soothing stuff which my mother used to put on sunburn.

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I wonder if you know where Vaseline comes from? (clue is "petroleum jelly").  Wonderful soothing stuff which my mother used to put on sunburn.

If that had come up as a question in a pub quiz Sue i'd have definitely got it wrong. I'm currently using a steroid based ointment called Elocon, it works well for the condition I have except when it gets completely out of control when I scratch in my sleep or infected, then i'm heavily reliant on various tablets.

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Day off today and would have liked a lay in but woke up at 5am as normal >:(

Funny thing's body clocks Mark. I woke early too. I should maybe have gone to the pub after the Burn's Supper but resisted the temptation.

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been cutting back the hedgerow behind me today, taken it right down and used the waste to make a sort of fence/ lattice to make it hard for the kids to use it as a short cut, bloody neighbour came out and asked me why i wasnt doing all of it?? i replied what do you mean, her reply was the bit behind mine and nextdoors(the hated rented oldie pensioner's house).what do you think i am the council was my reply, she promptly went of f'ing and geff'ing  at me, about 20 mins later her son turned up and had a right go at me for being rude and un neighbourly??? it took me the good part of the day to get just my bit down and sorted, and that cow wants another 20m 's done,for free and in my time, i dam well think not ,she and her son and familly are so bloody bone idle its unbelivable, they slabbed the garden over so they didnt have to cut the grass or look after plants they are that bad

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i hate it when that happens simon, that's why i love university internet, soooo fast!

it doesn't usually annoy me, but on this occasion, i had been waiting 7 days for it to end and i wanted it to complete part of my collection and they don't come up very often in mint condition..

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it doesn't usually annoy me, but on this occasion, i had been waiting 7 days for it to end and i wanted it to complete part of my collection and they don't come up very often in mint condition..

what was it? the thrill of collecting is in the chase....

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what was it? the thrill of collecting is in the chase....

especially if its a MF  :of

definately not!

it was a valmet 805 and log trailer set.. there is a buy it now for £130, near mint.. am considering making an offer but um-ing and a-ing about it.

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