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What really annoyed you today

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Went to work first time since last thursday , on the way hit a pheasat which has done £300  of damage to my bumper. Also to top it off came home early because i was in to much pain, well p#ssed off  :'( :'( :'( :'(

OUCH must have been quite an impact :of

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OUCH must have been quite an impact :of

was a bit , but it hit the bottum grill and the bumper split inbetween the grill and fog light.

what has annoyed me today been signed off work for other week , of pain and boredom.  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( 

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was a bit , but it hit the bottum grill and the bumper split inbetween the grill and fog light.

what has annoyed me today been signed off work for other week , of pain and boredom.  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Treat yourself to a 1:32 Mark, that's what I do in such circumstances...

What annoyed me... paying £85 for a 60l tank of diesel! :(

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Taking some garden rubbish out to the field with a rough patch at the bottom of it where I burn rubbish I discovered that my neighbour had started cutting off my boundary hedge, had planted on the top a large number of 'whips' and dropped three very large mature Sycamore trees. I rang the neighbour to find out what she was doing and told her that she should have asked my permission to carry this work out. She's doing this under a grant scheme from Defra and thought the hedge was her boundary and by all accounts, so did DEFRA. Not so.

A word of warning for all landowners who may experience this. Look at your large scale Ordinance Survey land maps and your RPA, ESA MAPS and you should see 'T' bars on your boundary hedges. Whichever side of the boundary these 'T's are on, denotes who owns the boundary, if they are on your land side it is yours, if on the other side, it's not. If your neighbour intends to do boundary work, they should gain the permission from the owner and be furnished with written document of permission if you agree to the work with instructions of what you do not wish them to do, such as fell trees, and if both sides of the hedge is affected in digging out the foot and loading they are obliged to erect a stockproof fence to protect it on your side as well. It seems that DEFRA are unaware of the boundary marks on land maps and don't even consider who the boundary belongs to or even bother to contact the landowners to find out which is a big flaw in their system which is what causes the aggravation on these matters between adjacent landowners. So if you do experience this, make sure you stop them doing any work until they have your permission/agreement and ring DEFRA and tell them as well to make it official.

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I have a yearling bull calf who is no longer afraid of electric fences - runs straight through them without breaking stride.

Wired up his pen with two strands of barbed wire to put manners on him. Did it work? Not a chance.

Today I upgraded his pen with some spare gates and re-set all the fence posts. I dread to think what damage he'll have done by morning.

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Put a leather 'bridle' halter on him with metal spikes protruding outward around the noseband, like the ones you get to stop a yearling from sucking the cow, the spikes conduct the electric shock better, worked on a persistant cow I had with this problem. Once had a cow, fat as a barrel, that would stand all day and graze with the fencer wire over the middle of her back and you could hear the wire 'snicking' against her skin. She came in the parlour as normal one milking, ate her cake, gave her normal amount of milk, opened the door to let her out of the parlour, she got ouside and dropped down dead, had to drag her out of the way with tractor and chain. Vet examined her and said that all her blood vessels had literally 'exploded' just as if she had been struck by lightning but it was a hot sunny summers day. I mentioned her grazing method and he said that although it would be difficult to link it could have had a bearing on her death, almost as if she stored up so much electricity in her body that it eventually may have killed her. Her death certificate recorded struck by lightning for the insurance purpose.

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I have a yearling bull calf who is no longer afraid of electric fences - runs straight through them without breaking stride.

Wired up his pen with two strands of barbed wire to put manners on him. Did it work? Not a chance.

Today I upgraded his pen with some spare gates and re-set all the fence posts. I dread to think what damage he'll have done by morning.

I had a sow that used to do the same - a real pain >:(

Got fed up with in the end... she did make nice bacon sandwiches, though ;)

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housemate broke the washing machine in december.

my exact words were, "take some responsibility, you broke it, you get it fixed".

he got the number of a man to fix it in january, and since has done nothing about it.

i had a rant at him the other day when his mum brought all his washing to the house "oh is your mum going to do my washing, or are you going to get the clucking washing machine fixed?"

this morning after not saying anything to me in all the time he saw me this weekend/yesterday he's written a note on a piece of kitchen roll with the guys number on saying effectively "you sort it"

i despair.

there are ways of asking things....  >:(

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woke up this morning, as usual! :D

when I got into school I started feeling stiff around my shoulder,  during maths the pain was unbearable and at break my teacher said I must have a spasm so she rang home, my mam came for me and now its not too bad so I have time to eat loads of pancakes now !!!!! ;D

So it actually wasn't a bad day ;D

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the new bathroom rad has  turned up, but the buggers have forgotten the new valves for it, and thats another 3 day delivery timescale, no appologys in the phone call, nothing, even had the nerve to try and charge postage for them as a seperate order, so told them to stick it, and refund the money to me, got the card compan on to them already, so off to screwfix in a moto get a set from tham, only got 3 days left as i do not want to be doing this at the weekend

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My boss told me he's ordered my new lorry.......not impressed >:( why he bothered asking what we need I don't know ::)

So I take it it is not a Scania Paul....so are you going to spill the "57 variety's" and tell us what will be replacing it ???

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