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What really annoyed you today

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Bad customer service >:( just been down to fill up the car because when I goto work I would have to que for 5-10 minutes to get on the pumps, I decided to completely fill the tank which came to £43, so went into pay and as the cash point only gives out notes I handed over £50 as I had no pound coins on me. All should have been ok just get my change but no the woman behind the counter replied " haven't you got the right money?" in an angry tone of voice, my reply "no sorry the cash point only gives out notes and not coins". She turns around to me and says "I've got no pound coins so you'll have to give me the right money or buy something else to make it upto £50" I politely said "no I don't as I only wanted the petrol and I just wanted my change" she replied "everyone coming in with notes and I have no change" I finally got my change with a five pond note and £2 worth of 20p's which I don't mind as it's all legal tender, what gets me is her attitude to me as a customer just because she was running low on change, I'll be visting the petrol station later today to see her boss about her attitude and suggest she go's on a customer care course >:( >:(>:(

Well Mark...the outcome ??? ....I like you would not stand for that kinda treatment >:(

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Bit peeved by the absence of help/co-operation/friendliness of the staff and other customers at the local tip, such a contrast the the wonderful service and general friendliness I experienced in Devon..

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as long as they save the "boys" i recon i could handle some sickness mark  :-\ :laugh: :laugh:

i suppose so Sean mate, this morning i sat in the garden for 10 mins. did not know if i was going to decorate the patio or not.  :'( :'( :'(    Still feel sick and still in pain , just hope i sleep tonight .

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I went back after work today and asked to see who's in charge, got told they wasn't avalible but was soon seen when I said I wasn't going away and I'd get the local paper down, told them about the way I was treated today and wasn't happy about it. Outcome the person in question will get a talking to about their attitude and I got an apology but they have now lost my custom as I'm not going to be treated that way.

That's absolutely shocking behaviour Mark, even more so if they tried to avoid dealing with it when you returned. Fair play for standing your ground with them, I would have done the same and would be absolutely disgusted if i'd discovered any of my staff behaving in the same manner.

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That's absolutely shocking behaviour Mark, even more so if they tried to avoid dealing with it when you returned. Fair play for standing your ground with them, I would have done the same and would be absolutely disgusted if i'd discovered any of my staff behaving in the same manner.

I agree wholeheartedly, David.

I stopped at a garage once just to buy from their shop as I did not need fuel.  They had a complete power failure, could not open the tills to provide change but bent over backwards to ensure I had what I needed without overpaying as I had very little cash on me.  I was prepared to pay an extra 10p or so because I was desperate but they raided their own purses to give me change!  Totally different from Mark's experience.

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At the end of the day if they cant be bothered about customer care then I'm quite happy taking my custom else where as I would rather pay a penny more a litre for petrol and beeing treated like a human than something you've picked up on the bottom of your shoe. Their lose at the end of the day as they wont be getting anymore of my money and I'm thinking about writing to their head office about it.

Don't just think about it, Mark, write to head office and tell them that they have lost a customer and why.  At the end of the day no business can afford to lose custom. The local staff, and that includes the manager, are obviously only there for the pay at the end of the day!

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You're not having much luck with pick-ups are you Chris :-\

Perhaps they need armour plating Gavin! :laugh:  At least it was nothing to do with me this time. No serious damage as it's just a dent in the door where a friend I was babysitting for backed into it on his way out, but I'm feeling more of a draft as I drive along :(

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This is the damage:



As you can see it's not too bad, but I was hoping it would be at least several years before these sort of bumps appeared.

Tris, just careless driving in the dark. And on his own driveway too ::)  Will be calling the insurance people tomorrow. He's very contrite and has offered to pay any repair costs. I've no idea what will be required but I'm sure a replacement door is out of the question... :-\

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Flipping Natwest advert. The line in the add is spoken as; "Nothing hidden; just the facts." Or is it "Nothing hidden. Just the facts."

Are they hiding the facts or giving us the facts?

By us, I mean me, loyal Natwest customer for 4 years.

Grammar eh? 

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On the subject of adverts (a constant source of armchair rage for me) here is this weeks top 5 nerve janglers;

1) Halifax adverts- low budget tosh, ISA ISA Baby.... >:(

2) QuickQuid- stupid women with her smarmy advice on taking out loans for money people really shouldn't while hoping no-one notices it's 2700% interest!

3) DFS- Having another sale are they, huge surprise  ::)

4) Shampoo adverts generally- Who really thinks having extract of some forbidden berry from the lower mongolian alps is going to help their scalp?Essential oils my backside, if they are essential how come no one has ever heard of them?

5) Mr Muscle- You Sir are a fake!

Rant over, normal service is resumed  ;D

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Someone's cloned my email address and I'm now sending all my contact a link about Viagra apparently >:( >:(>:(

Apologies to anyone who's received one of the these message - it's wasn't me, honestly - I don't even sell 1:32 scale viagra :-[

That happened to me the other day, except it was sending emails to people i don't even know! it was sending 2-3 every minute! Lucky enough I caught on and stopped it within the hour! even then it had send over 200!  :of

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Someone's cloned my email address and I'm now sending all my contact a link about Viagra apparently >:( >:(>:(

Apologies to anyone who's received one of the these message - it's wasn't me, honestly - I don't even sell 1:32 scale viagra :-[

So... what happens to my 'buy it now' payal transaction Mandy... I bought three wheelbarrow loads of Viagra pills from you this morning and your 'emergency lollypop splint' kit too  :of>:(  :'( :-[
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So... what happens to my 'buy it now' payal transaction Mandy... I bought three wheelbarrow loads of Viagra pills from you this morning and your 'emergency lollypop splint' kit too  :of>:(  :'( :-[

Now Mr C, that is not funny if it is your address book that has been cloned.

I was one of the recipients (several times) >:(  Not that I lost my temper with Mandy, though, I just let her know her hotmail had been vandalised :of

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