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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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Today my friend came to visit for coffee as i've not seen her in ages so that was good then i went and got my hair chopped really short!  :o I like it though so its all good!

This evening, we are off to the theatre in aberdeen to see blood brothers.  Toyboy got me tickets for my birthday last month and i've seen it before so i can't wait because i really loved it!  ;D

Then we are staying over at my sister and brother in laws so we can spend the day with them tomorrow - go for lunch and maybe some shopping etc so looking forward to that too!

Hope everyone else has a lovely weekend!

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Today my friend came to visit for coffee as i've not seen her in ages so that was good then i went and got my hair chopped really short!  :o I like it though so its all good!

This evening, we are off to the theatre in aberdeen to see blood brothers.  Toyboy got me tickets for my birthday last month and i've seen it before so i can't wait because i really loved it!  ;D

Then we are staying over at my sister and brother in laws so we can spend the day with them tomorrow - go for lunch and maybe some shopping etc so looking forward to that too!

Hope everyone else has a lovely weekend!

blood brothers i have seen before on play, its very good, you will enjoy it!

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Today I have constructed the 2 sides of my new workshop    then took them apart ready for transporting

Tommorrow hopefully get the front and back made up

Then hope for some dry days so that i can start putting it all together

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Today I have constructed the 2 sides of my new workshop    then took them apart ready for transporting

Tommorrow hopefully get the front and back made up

Then hope for some dry days so that i can start putting it all together

Any pics Scott ??? - I'd like to 'have a nosey'  :)
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Any pics Scott ??? - I'd like to 'have a nosey'  :)

Shall take some when we start to put it up in the garden

It's been a little cramped where we are working on it in a garage and couldn't be ar$ed to get the camera out as we where having to carry things in and out all day

Does look nice though    4x2 framing with double glazed door and windows ;)

I may have a go at taking a few tommorrow    see how it goes

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how big did you say it was going to be scott?? 4 x 2 framing sugests pretty big

It's only 11ft 10 long  by 8 foot 10 ;)

Got a good deal on the 4x2  plus I want it fully lined and insulated

Couldn't get the sort of shed i wanted from the usual sources and for a custom built shell it was getting on for a grand so decided to do it myself ;)

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It's only 11ft 10 long  by 8 foot 10 ;)

Got a good deal on the 4x2  plus I want it fully lined and insulated

Couldn't get the sort of shed i wanted from the usual sources and for a custom built shell it was getting on for a grand so decided to do it myself ;)

very nearly built my own but found this current one from b&q,  should have done it my self really, could have built it into the corner better and made better use of the space

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Went to the Seven Sisters Sheep Centre (Birling Gap, near Eastbourne) with the grandchildren today. Bought some bags of sheepie food to feed to them on the way round. Great day out, but got some strange looks and comments from a woman and her daughter; who saw me eating the sheep pellets..............Swhat us farm boys do.......... When I were a lad we used to eat linseed cake, rolled maize, rolled barley and sugar beet pulp (Wetted of course). Tht was in the days when sugar beet pulp came in very large hessian bags, and had to be soaked before it was fed to the cows.  :D

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Went to the Seven Sisters Sheep Centre (Birling Gap, near Eastbourne) with the grandchildren today. Bought some bags of sheepie food to feed to them on the way round. Great day out, but got some strange looks and comments from a woman and her daughter; who saw me eating the sheep pellets..............Swhat us farm boys do.......... When I were a lad we used to eat linseed cake, rolled maize, rolled barley and sugar beet pulp (Wetted of course). Tht was in the days when sugar beet pulp came in very large hessian bags, and had to be soaked before it was fed to the cows.  :D

and gurt bigguns dem begs wur too, wannay...? 2cwt I bleave... ;)
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Got home form your folks side of the world, now just relaxing, off to buy our new lounge sweet soon so i can relax in comfort for the next 2 days

Glad you're back safe and sound.  Enjoyed meeting you and Aimee and look forward to seeing you next year!

As for me today I am doing a job I really hate loathe - ironing >:(  >:(

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