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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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Don't embarrass Rhys anymore Tris, you'll make him go red.

2 coats coming right up  :D;D

That really was the Cherry on the cake that one...

Oh well.. so long as they are not CRUDE I suppose... Oil be telling Andy if they are

Three coats then  :-[ :'(

Just trying to be the injector of a little humour

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it is Bill, three went in November, two more have left for new jobs and now we have more non productive workers (front of counter/office staff and me van driver) than productive workers (workshop staff) so their on about two going from the non productive side, my van is going so they can cut costs but it could also be me going as theres not enough work to cover the 40 hours I do ???

going by you posts in the past mate it could well be you, cant blame them if 90% of your time your in the yard and not delivering, mind you ,you could be wrong and some counter staff go?? either way i am sure it will work out

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No point worrying about it Sean, if it happens it happens like I say at the end of the day your just a number to a firm and if your number comes up nothing you can do about it. I've seen another job which I like the look of so will be ringing up about it tomorrow or monday so covering my back if it happens ;)

exactly mate thats my view right now, if it happens i cant stop it,will prob be happier away from bt, but wont be impressed if it happens either, hey ho thats life aint it :D :D

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popped out to get Harry a new pushchair for 'off road, fields , beach' etc. as ours isnt really suited!

tomorrow, off to the cambs county fair ;)

See you there Mr H...

Today I are bin mostly.... loading 170t of my topsoil for a local firm  ;D - got the call last night... loaded today... how's that for service hey  :-*

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bike ride down to the hoe, sat and had a couple of pints, then back home, bit of tinkering in the shed, and up in the loft, but to hot to do that much up there to be honest

to the Hoe? :o :o :o, i thought you were married! :D :D :D::)

today, spent all day at the cambs county fair.....wasnt as good as last year, to hot to enjoy with Harry :(

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Drove down to Sidmouth and had an ice cream on the sea front with Trace. Then we went window shopping around the homeware and furnishings shops. Followed by a punnet of strawberries and then a pint of Stowford and a beef and horseradish sandwich in The Duke.

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Drove down to Sidmouth and had an ice cream on the sea front with Trace. Then we went window shopping around the homeware and furnishings shops. Followed by a punnet of strawberries and then a pint of Stowford and a beef and horseradish sandwich in The Duke.

i need to

A) get Julie to drive

B) get down there and have a few myself! :D :D

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I took Maisie to the livery yard this morning to see her pony, took Evie on a 7 mile bike ride this afternoon and for the last hour or so i've been working on 05rich's JD3050 ;)

i plan on seeing some photos of that JD pdc is doing for me ,  ;) hint, hint  ;)

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