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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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Well got back from my course yeasterday had a nice couple of days in montrose. Finished course at lunchtime so went up the coast road to a small village called catterline near stonehaven and had a lovely lunch is a small restaurant. Last night had to take eldest son to Turriff seems he may have either tonsilites or swine flu doctor thinking more swine flu!!!!!!

So today have been florence nightingale as wife is working. Also went to tesco in Huntly shopping.

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With my vist to the rally being cut short due to accomodation letdown I have decided to go up North today to a rally at Roseilse above Elgin on the Moratshire coast. haven't been there for many years since always clashed with Lanark.

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Nice pictures Paul.

Today laying the concrete base for t kindling shed with my old man . absolutely knackered but we're only halfway through and the mix has run out..

Oh and rescued one young chap who twisted/sprained his ankle crossing a stile, my good deed for the day :)

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at home all day, cleaned some oil/tar....(not really sure what it was on the car, or how it got there yesterday?, must have followed some dodgy vehicle home??)......with WD40, what a great cleaning tool!!

Took Harry for a walk, saw a little 135, amused him most of the day really :-\ :-\

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On the pit again today, not an easy one either due to a bumper maize crop! Bit of a squeeze. Finished at 6pm and went straight to the house to find Traci and her parents working hard. Just finished with the last job left to do in the front room before the furnature comes on Saturday; the floor. Tiling window sills at a later date.

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