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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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I know I have only worked half a day today, finnished at 1, but today has been the first day everything has gone smoothly and right since starting back in the new year, we finally seem to have caught up with the backlog of plant and vans. ;D ;D  I can sympathise with you David.

After a fairly decent week, I was probably rather naive in thinking my final day at work before my week off would go smoothly. Not worrying too much about it now, enjoying a few beers tonight relaxing at home and weather permitting should be attending my first ploughing match of 2010 tommorow.

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Well today up to now I have just been on here. No more overnight snow but extremely frosty today. The sun is just rising and beating through the kitchen window so it might turn out to be not a bad day. Plan to venture out and get the rest of the tractor shed lined with MDF.

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Helping lift the old man up from the driveway after he slipped on ice on the back door steps. OK I should have had the ice melted but the problem with him is he never looks where he putting his feet. I have always said his feet will be the death of him. Thankfully he not hurt. I then went for the Black and Decker hot air torch but them what happens he takes over...oh he can infuriate me.


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The ploughing match i'd hoped to attend today has been put back a month, a shame as the weather is gorgeous around here at the moment, so instead i've been for a walk in the sunshine with Mum, whilst Dad is at work this morning and then heading down to my Grandad's in Malton this afteroon to swap a few stories.

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