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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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Tried to get the stock trailer out.... It's been used as a 'shoot hut' and has been stood in the field at Marlbrook for, crikey, 5 years maybe... but it's an Ifor Williams TA12G so it's too good to let rot... I was going to whip the top off and make some low sides [maybe  :-[::) ] and use it as a GP trailer.....

Tried to get the Disco round the front of it and was going to try to reverse it out... couldn't get anywhere near it and George kept shouting 'uh oh, we're getting stuck!'... so abandoned that and stuck the tow rope round it and tried to drag it out backwards.... got it about 10' but started heading for the canal so thought it wise to abandon it and hope for a dry spell / frost...  :-\

Going to go cut some Ash cord into logs now... AGAIN!  ::)

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weekend....suffering with the end of flu i hope, Harry has it as well. Got the shed wired up, now have lights and sockets!, fitted a workbench, additional shelves, put up with the wife being ill again, job hunting looking at changing direction....just need childcare for free as that kills of most jobs! and off to another b'day partu for Harrys' friends at Bar Hill...

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I got to go to PT then get back and get my nose in front of this screen and do some editing for Model Farmer......sounds like not a lot of fun but I enjoy working with the writers because they have such good spirits and enthusiasm about the work.....

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Been out tonight with my husband to a Cornwall Butterfly Conservation meeting - fascinating stuff. I am constantly amazed by the amount of dedicated experts there are in the world who know so much about their subject. :)

yes i know i have a family member that got a docturate in butterfly/moths

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wel been trying to get hold of college all morning abt my IVA asignment  ::)  which was ment to be in this morning and ive done somthing to my back = agony so i cant get in  ::):D  so been extended a day or two  ;D  now got my animal health and organic asignment to finnish off before the friday  ::):D  then only 2 months left then off to work with the agri contractor for the summer  ;D  cant wait  ;D 

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at home alone today so finished adding shelves to the shed and other bits and pieces, removed stuff from the old one to the new one as well, sorted out boxes of screws, made a few things, now getting ready to start work on a new potato/grain type store shed thing....i hope, using up stuff i already have, not sure why but it will take my mind off of things :) :)

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Been trying to find and catch 10 bulls today that escaped oonto the A64 near York and around the surrronded villages including McCdonalds. WE had to get 2 shot before they caused a terrible accident on the dual carrige way and one died from a heart attck caused by the stressss of it    :'(

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Been trying to find and catch 10 bulls today that escaped oonto the A64 near York and around the surrronded villages including McCdonalds. WE had to get 2 shot before they caused a terrible accident on the dual carrige way and one died from a heart attck caused by the stressss of it    :'(

poor you - that sounds terribly stressful for all concerned - good though that you were able to think of the bigger picture.

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been chasing up someone at a dealers about an apprenticeship with them, he said the other day that it 90% likely they will take me on but he had to speak to other workshop manager first and he would get back to me thursday night ::)  so i rang him and he is going to have a word with him before dinner and ring me back then :)

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Well have been busy of late so have not really been posting on the forum. I am back at work finally got out here last friday after being stuck at home on the tuesday and then 2 days in the shetland islands due to heavy snow and cold temperatures meaning there were no helicopter flights. Have been on days this time which makes a change have done a year of nightshifts. Into my last weekend now home on tuesday.

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Had a rather tough week let alone day at work for a variety of reasons, so i've decided to take most of my frustrations out on Britains's Renault Cergos which i'm planning on finishing off "rating and reviewing" tommorow. Although I did manage to escape the day job to see the highly talented Scottish band "Frightened Rabbit" in York on thursday night, tired I am but awesome they were:

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Just printed out directions on how to get to Malvern tomorrow for the first tractor show of the year.

Has anybody else noticed how quiet it is on here tonight, all the noisy beggars are in the pub after the first day of the show  :( :( :( :(

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I expect to see this covered in a dedicated topic but until then, went to 'Tractor World' at Malvern today with a mate and his little lad. Will post more when the topic starts.

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Had a fantastic day thanks, met new freinds and old ones and even some locals to me who were there. Absolutely heaving with people but very cold with a sneaky wind, thank goodness the sheds were heated.

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