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Went to G&M models event in perth this afternoon, then mc donalds, tescos, had a nosey round the depot, went home, then trundeled up the road to my mates house in the mini jcb to dig founds for his extension,

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Finished putting up a little slot-together greenhouse, then covered the beds around it with black plastic ready for two raised beds and flagstones to go on top. Lastly as dusk fell, I lit a bonfire in the new fireplace I built out of firebricks and breezeblocks and stayed for a while to make sure it didn't engulf the digger or new greenhouse.

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first day back at work after a week off, on ot today and tommorrow, as my long weekend fell this time round, ideal ,walked into a right hailstorm of agro from the 3 other guys left as did my mate, who was off to, apparently we left them in the lurch ,both being off the same time ,thats not team work, we should schedual our leave to help them out ,blah blah blah, needless to say my reply could not be printed on here, as i would get banned, and my mates reply wasnt to far off mine either, my boss agrees with us to, which is great, and has basicly told them to man up and do more work, rather than complaining about us being far quicker than they are , about time they were told in our opinion ,aint it great to be missed when you go away on holiday :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: wonder why 2 of them wouldnt speak to us this afternoon when we rolled up to do yet another job that they refused to do?? :laugh:

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Started cutting next years wood today, albeit the contract cutting we do for another dealer. Been a long mild winter for the firewood this yeat but all eyes are on next winter and the silage/hay/straw work inbetween. New to the machinery line up this year is a brand new McHale HS2000 round bale wrapper, replacing a 50k tally machine. Oh and a brand new additional machine, a McHale 998 square bale wrapper due in the next fortnight :)

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No, we traded an HS2000 in for the new one, the 998 is for a new service. Never had a square bale wrapper before, he used to get another contractor in to do it. I'll be pestering Luke for tips as he is the 998 mastet for A&B. :)

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Mr Domestic again thus far! Got up and started the day with a shower. Fed pup, blitzed kitchen and washing up, done a bit of training with pup as our class is cancelled today. Just done my breakfast which went down a treat, eggs on toast :P Now going to split some logs up for kindling and get the woodburner fired up. Sort out washing and do a bit of work in the garden. Maybe after all that, Traci may even be ready to do something too! Got to peel and chop the veg, do a quick bit of shopping, see my Mum and get back to do dinner for the Outlaws yet! ::)

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I spent a pleasant hour between 9 and 10 this morning with a saw demolishing a section of trellis that has bee isolated when the fence was renewed. Couldn't do anything with it at the time because two clematis were in full bloom. Steady sawing and removing small sections at a time, I have managed to untangle the clematis and given them a big hint that the new fence is available. Tore down the rest of the fence panel and also succeeded in uprooting the post (which most of the panel is still attached to).

The sun was shining and it seemed just the thing to do because it has been bugging me since last summer. Sun went in as I finished so my timing was superb. Despite only taking up 6 inches it is amazing how open that corner looks!

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Its be a busy old day for me wash mrs Nats Golf and then fell to this in the afternoon a nice air horn for the MF3085 up and running now went to see if it worked it did and now i can't find the dog as it took off running when it heard the horn. :-


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Attended the funeral of an elderly Aunt this afternoon, the last of my late Fathers Brothers and Sisters, he had 4 Sisters and 3 Brothers and athough it was under sad circumstances it was nice to spend a little time after the service to have a catch-up with 4 generations of Cousins, some of which I have not seen for over 10 years and a couple of the latest generation who I have never met. I think that it's important that we keep in contact with our family relations as time seems to pass so quickly and contact is soon lost and eventually none of us will know who we are anymore unless we make the effort to stay in touch, it's not that difficult nowadays with modern methods of communication no matter where in the World you are.

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Bid farewell to the JCB today after another day of fork-lifting. Can't say I'm too sorry to see it go as it was crap; brakes squeeled under weight,, perm 4wd meant road speed of 15mph tops, engine lid banged open at speed, basic cab, basic everything. Good luck to the new owner. :-X

In between I got on with a second raised bed.

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