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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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Today,I was mostly makeing Mest,for my Mest container,to make it look a wee bit more realistic for the upcoming show at Aberdeen,and i'm really pleased with the outcome,





I first had to make sure it was water tight,then drill out one of the outlet pipes so I could slowly let it drain to get the right effect,worked out well,



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had the grandughter last night ,got woken up by her singing "this old man" at 9 am, after the last wake up being 9.45 pm ,not bad, promptly got thumped proper in the eye by her. followed by a attempted push out of the bed, which failed, then being drop smacked wwf style by her all before i even woke up properly ,great fun at 9 in the morning, took her out followed by a great roast meal at 3 pm, went up to the stepdaughters art 5, and just back now after a large amount of cider (thatchers 2010 vintage) and red wine for the wife

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this long weekend i have so far, fitted subframe to mini for vauxhall engine, ordered some engine mount rubbers (of the defender v8 variety), fitted a new (£50 off ebay) lock set to the fiesta, and duct taped the old imobiliser chipped keys to the immobiliser sensor, now it starts off the new keys! so, we can see that ford weren't very clever in the 90s! i am also about 1/3 of the way through painting a freebie motorbike helmet as a Senna tribute. have shot white primer and fiat golden yellow as base colour, now need to mask for the blue and green stripes,(most difficult bit) then wet sand and lacquer.....

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had the grandughter last night ,got woken up by her singing "this old man" at 9 am, after the last wake up being 9.45 pm ,not bad, promptly got thumped proper in the eye by her. followed by a attempted push out of the bed, which failed, then being drop smacked wwf style by her all before i even woke up properly ,great fun at 9 in the morning, took her out followed by a great roast meal at 3 pm, went up to the stepdaughters art 5, and just back now after a large amount of cider (thatchers 2010 vintage) and red wine for the wife

Ah Sean just had me first Thatchers last night it was a 2011 vintage and i must say very nice

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westons or stowford press is better bob, but thats all they had in the shop, infact cornish rattlers is even better than them two , but again nothing left when i went

We dont really get them over here its a same as i love cider and want to try more than just Magners but i will be keepig my eye out for them as i spoted the Thatchers in Sainsburys when me and the Mrs was doing a bit of shopping for a nice saturday diner in and a dvd

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Sainsburys do westons to but I doubt rattlers would make it over your way , best take a holiday in Cornwall and try some proper scrumpy mate

Sounds good to me Sean i can just see it now. eh Natalie would you like to go hoiladays mmmmmm ok.

So where are you taking me anywhere nice Robert ????

oh yes Natalie im taking you to Cornwall ooooooh very nice cant wait and what have you planed for us when we get there???

aaaaaaaaaah ????? how about some Tractor spotting and cider drinking ????? how that for fun ????

you guys can finish the conversation :laugh: :laugh:

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just about to leave my place,off into plymouth to meet my mates, then up to north london to watch spurs who are playing norwich,will be back home hopefully around 11.00pm

......only to see them get beaten by the boys from Norfolk :D :D :D :D :P

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Well I had my first drive of a JCB 531-70 yesterday. Had 5000 hours yet was really well cared for. But sorry to upset any JCB loyalists but personally I didn't like it. The build quality was very good but coming from driving hydrostatics the tranmission felt a but primitive, especially having to brake to stop instead of just taking your foot of the pedal. Also I felt the headstock was too big and bulky, and you sit to far from the front of the loader. I can see why people like them but not for me at all.

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Going to be 2 am before I get to bed. My son in law from MK is here with the family and has accepted a job in SA. So we are up talking about selling their house in MK. He is up signing his contract and Im up playing father in law.....will miss the family when they go to SA...heck of a long ways to go.....both are from SA so glad to get back to the sun and out of the rain...... :)

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Ben, use a computer to view the Forum mate, it is a lot easier. Also, breast feeding is for the new born....... not you!!

mmmm that may be my problem!, couldnt find the mouse! ;D ;D ;D ;D

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