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5 pints and half cut you go steady Sean your not getting any younger or any better at spelling  :o :o :o :o ::) ::)::)

steady si,polished of another 8 pints last night, then proceeded to walk home at midnight, only 3 miles ,nice cold crisp eve, soon walked it off after 40 mins, back home in me bed,

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steady si,polished of another 8 pints last night, then proceeded to walk home at midnight, only 3 miles ,nice cold crisp eve, soon walked it off after 40 mins, back home in me bed,

Best way sean i usually walk home from house partys or the pub if its not to far although last time i fell asleep on the path ::)

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Drove to Stanstead yesterday morning to pick my friend up from Denmark, got there at 8.30. Were top side of York by 12.00 via the A1(M) to take his seed potatos to the crop testing laboratory. Stopped in York for a pint and a steak in the Slug and Lettuce and then headed back down the A1(M), M1, M42, M5, M4 to my house. Got carpeted in Devizes, don't think Fred has it on his list of places to revisit. ... I think the gate fell off at the local cattle market as it was full of hieffers in town!! Then today a couple of farm visits before taking him back to Stanstead for his 6pm flight. 850 miles I have done this weekend and £140 of fuel.  :o Worth it though, going spud planting in Denmark in April all being well  ;D ;D ;D

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Not a great deal happening with me today. I a bit of a landmark today as I have 3 weeks to go before I get home. The site is very quiet as most people are celebrating the Muslim holiday of ede which ends the Hadj at mecca. Have got a couple permits out for expats but that is it.

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Has been a boring couple of days here at work.

We have been in the start up phase so there is no access to the site for anyone apart from our team so only have 1 permit out today. Have the permit meeting to attend and also a couple of site visits.

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There is a 9430 artic in my local dealers Paul, they must be resting them up for the winter. I did wonder what with the amount of Quadtracs and Challengers round here and the odd FW whether Deere and going to push hard next year.

Today I are mostly been delivering 14 loads of logs around Wiltshire. Tomorrow, yard work over my mates and Thur/Fri he has got me an 8t mini digger to go hedge wrecking with.  ;D

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Today I are bin mostly...

'Doing lunch' - one of my customers is going to retire next week... after 20 plus years with the local council's food procurement team - smashing chap who I will miss dearly... so... it was a sad occasion really... but nice to fill me face with ham, chips and peas down the pub  ;D

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Today I are bin mostly...

'Doing lunch' - one of my customers is going to retire next week... after 20 plus years with the local council's food procurement team - smashing chap who I will miss dearly... so... it was a sad occasion really... but nice to fill me face with ham, chips and peas down the pub  ;D

What no scampy  ???

Me well I'm rushed off my feat...busy delegating so much so that my lovely secretary has just sworn at me....unbelievable  :o

Oh and ignoring my mobile  ;) yes you know who you are  :D :D

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been to a dairy event "winter fair" in Belfast for most of the day not long home was a good show

<img src="http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l307/farmermarshall/001-37.jpg" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"><br><br>

<img src="http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l307/farmermarshall/002-36.jpg" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"><br><br>

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Good looking turnout of spectators. Is that Ayrshire cows ;) ;) don't see many of these in Aberdeenshire... in fact don't see many dairy cows full stop given the number of farmers who have left the dairy industry in my area.

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