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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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went work this morning in the big blue van, had breakfast at beeston caff the rain still hadnt gone off so we went to the job and were going to sit the ran out for a bit, we got bored and went to look at another job were the floor was 7ft out of level, it was still raining so we went travis perkins then we went home  and the rain stopped about 5 mins ago  ;D bloomin typical ::)

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Today I are bin mostly workin on the 'ouse.

Put the wall units up in the utility, grouted the wall tiles in the kitchen, grouted the kitchen floor and put up the roman blind Mrs H had made, also in the kitchen... so today, I are bin mostly, actually, in the kitchen... oh, and the pub  ;)

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was at the works christmas party last night was a great night no expense spared. Free bar all night and also a full sit down meal. Also had a live band/ singers. Then the belly dancers came out with 2 6foot albino pythons draped around them. Very entertaining.  ;D ;D

In work this morning already feeling a little sorry for myself. :'(

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Well seeing as I was a total idle git yesterday, didn't get out of bed til 1pm, didn't go out of the house til 5.30pm I thought I'd get up earlier today - perhaps wasn't intending to be up quite as early as 7.15am but I'd not put my mobile on silent and someone texted me and it woke me up, so I have had a mug of coffee and done the washing up and will get myself into gear after a bit of internet and perhaps another coffee (or two) ;D

I did get a bit more Christmas shopping done yesterday though (in Asda of all places) just a few more things to get now, then the dreaded wrapping job :(

Won't do any shopping today though, usually sundays are pretty busy and I can't be doing with crowds!

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