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well i was supose to be tiding up my shed

BUT my daughter slipped down a bank yesterday and was told by the school nure she had sprained her ankle

iv just spent 5 hrs in a&e she broke her ankle  ::) ::)::) ::)

sounds familiar. same thing happend to me at schoool yesterday except it was my wrist.

was told it's bruised or sprained but deffinately not broken, so this morning my arm was like a ballon so went to he hospital and it's in pot now argghh. no farming for me for a month grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

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Just chilling most of the day after yesterday meself and the builder taking down a chimney on the end of my house. Started 8.30am, had it down to the required level by 3.00pm but then spent the rest of the day to 10.00pm taking away all the brick rubble. Pictures will be posted in the thatching topic. I'm as stiff as a crab today!

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been trying to get all the jobs out and about finished up, and tonight im making a 'To Do' list as i plan to be in the workshop for the next 2 days..

Starting to get a bit behind on the Model front, And more just keeps coming!! 

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Had a little wander around Bush Farm Bison Centre this afternoon and came away with a Bison sirloin steak for later in the week  :) :)

is that the place on the a303 tris?? not to far from yours?? seen a bison farm signed there on the way through

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That's the one, a nice walk around for a couple of hours to be honest. No tacky visitors centre rubbish either, muck heaps, bales, gates in hedges. . .  proper farm  :)

Will get the verdict to you asap, Mark  :)

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