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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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First day of my rough terrain telescopic course at Hartpury using a JCB 526.56 doing basic maneuveurs and some pallet work and having enormous fun into the bargain! The instructor collects diecast farm stuff as well and was brave enough to admit he sold an Industrial Major/Shawnee for c£17 on Ebay!

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Went into work this morning to finish the overhaul on the potato harvester with the engineer from the dealers, between the two of us we have now spent about 120hrs (60hrs each) on it getting all the repairs done so its now ready to go when it dries out again. Going to spend the rest of the day unwinding after a busy week before visiting the local drinking establishment tonight :P

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we have built it along the edge of the retaining wall beside her now, 6 ft on top, of a 2m - 4 m drop so they may get in, but no way out, got all the posts bolted to the wall, usefull stuff that quick set resin , drilled the hole, pump it in, set a bit of threaded bolt bar in, 10 mins later its set solid, all the rails are up to, and 3/4 of the slats up ,need 4 more packs tommorrow to finish that and make the new gate at the end

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well a day with the little monster!, popped over to see some friends after dropping Julie off at station....with 30secs to spare....women ::) ::)::) ::)

home around 2, only tractor we saw was a 6 series going back to weatherheads in Steeple Bumpstead...i think, that way anyway!!

he's now alseep, upset as teeth hurt, i'm waiting for wife to get home so i can pick her up  >:( >:(>:( >:(

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me and sharon had afternoon tea at the ritz very nice to ;)

Ooooh get you!! Dinner at The Ivy next week then Graham?

Early start today, done half the cattle already as the contractor has maize on today so got to do cattle, pick up TM155 and get to the farm by 9.30am!

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finished the new fence at my mums, we ran out of slats yesterday , so the gate frame was made but not covered, as was about 1 m of the main fence , so shes all safe??? with luck now from little thugs, which by strange coincidence, we now know  they are, so a small visit will be in order with a bill from all the people effected along with mr local pc

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Today I are bin mostly... staying at home playing nursey nursey to the lovely Mrs F.. who is milking it for all she is worth  :'(

Same yesterday... so basically... I've done sweet FA for a good few days now  :-[ :'(  ... I'm getting worried that I may loose the will to work at this rate  :of:-[  .. have got quite into the Jeremy Kyle show  :D :D

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Today I are bin mostly... staying at home playing nursey nursey to the lovely Mrs F.. who is milking it for all she is worth  :'(

Same yesterday... so basically... I've done sweet FA for a good few days now  :-[ :'(  ... I'm getting worried that I may loose the will to work at this rate  :of:-[  .. have got quite into the Jeremy Kyle show  :D :D

what have i been doing today,got in from work,looked at news@ mf.i get it sent electronicly,read it and seen an article with our own lord fergy,nice interview mate,nice little article,i will join the queue for your autograph!!!!!!!!!
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Today I are bin mostly... staying at home playing nursey nursey to the lovely Mrs F.. who is milking it for all she is worth  :'(

Same yesterday... so basically... I've done sweet FA for a good few days now  :-[ :'(  ... I'm getting worried that I may loose the will to work at this rate  :of:-[  .. have got quite into the Jeremy Kyle show  :D :D

Noble of you on Mrs F  but...JK....really .. :(???::)

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