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World Record attempt - Cooley, August 5th 2007.


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That was some experience!

They came from every corner of Ireland, and every corner of the World.

Will fire up more pictures on Monday when I have a Broadband connection. But here are a few to get the ball rolling.

First up, the unofficial FTF entry.


The big picture (and it doesn't show one tenth of the scene).


A selection of tractors turning into the first corner.


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Here is the Avery after doing a full lap of the field.


Here is the last tractor in the parade.


Here is the Avery coming up behind the TE to close the circle. After this it was one continuous circle of tractors driving around the field.


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Here's a selection of pics showing a panorama of just over 180 degrees. Due to the limitations of the camera, and the rain, there's a lot that can't be seen - but it'll give you a good idea of the scene.

There are also a couple of very unusual tractors in here for the anoraks among you.  ;)

First pic looking East, last pic looking West.










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Three interesting pics.

A young lady and her Muir Hill 101


A young - very young - gentleman and his John Deere.


I'd never seen one of these working before. The absolute dog's wotsits!  :-*:-*


Okay. Next up, the Colour Wars.

Pick a colour?

Any colour?


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Actually, before we get to the colour stuff ........

Here's how Rory Day and the other journalists got their pictures. (Rory is in one of those baskets.)


Then we had the Air Wing. (Three whirlybirds in the air. I can't wait to see the pics/footage from them)


And finally, for now, a Waterford reg Zetor Crystal 8045.


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I need some Zzzzzs, but before I go.

These two pics will give you some sort of perspective of scale.

This pic is taken from the South, in front of the first row of tractors (just behind the Avery). In the distance you can see the Genie with the PA system.


This pic is taken from the North. The same Genie with PA system is 150 yards in front of me. The roof of the Avery is the square shape on the horizon between the two sets of trees.

Put it another way. There are couple of thousand tractors between me and the Avery!  :D :D :D


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flippin heck theres a fair few tractors there  :o :o

i can just see some of them people thinking "now then were did i leave my tractor" ??? ??? ::)

how much area was coverd by the transport for most of these tractors?? like lorrys and such like ???

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Well lads the full report apart from the pictures ;). I can't believe I missed SPN - you were on the far side of that hill to me when the record was being broken >:(:D :D

It was some day  :o

I was up at 4.20 to get the brekky and look at cattle - out of the house at 5.30 for the bus  and it was starting to clear so didn't bother with the wellies how I regretted that decsion - it was a real muck bath and I got soaked but at least it dried up for a while and thankfully the field was free draining.

It was nearly raining the whole way up and we stopped in Bewley's for the fry and arrived in Cooley before 12 - traffic wasn't too bad going in I must say and we got pretty close to the field.

It was unreal going in to see that many tractors in one place and within 5 minutes i heard Peater Lovvve announcing 3638 - I got some fright and rang James F straight away :D :D.

Who did I see - I saw our mascot and his other tractors but didn't get a chance to go over although his brother was there with a McCormick boilersuit on, no sign of SPN's 7000 but there were so many :D - didn't see Joe's 4600 either but then I was supposed to meet James F and John F but didn't see either of them despite us being on the phone to one another :D

I saw Rory Day too taking a photo of a Ford 3000 with cab but didn't get a chance to go over to have a chat - in fact I was huddling beside a MF 595 and Rory got in to the 3000 to write some notes ;)

As for the rarities 2 Doe's one of the biggest selection of County crawlers and 4wd MF 100 series, an absolute mint collection of Force Ford's fully restored, 5000,6600,7600 all Ford Safety cab equipped with restored implements ;D, Zetor Crystal's including that lovely one that SPN put on here ;)

It was a cracker of a day but getting out was bit of a nightmare but we got there :D - Later we went back for the dinner in the City North before heading home - we met several lorries going home even passed a 5000 at Arklow at 12am who the lads said roaded it the whole way - there is commitment :o

I was in the bed at 2 a long day but well worthwhile now its up to the English to beat that  ;D ;D

Best story was a man from the local vintage club who owns a rare Zetor 25? from the late 40's. He brought up behind his Mercedes couldn't get any allocated parking space so went down the road where he found a darling of a space :D :D - coming back he couldn't find the road where he parked for an hour :D :D

Some photo's next week I hope ;)

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Great photographs, shame about the weather for you guys but you still annihilated the record which hopefully means I'll see another attempt here :)

I recognise one of the Does from the 2006 Uk challenge, quite a bit of effort must have gone into moving that!

I think James Hardstaff brought over his 2 Does ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

us brits wil get it back dont you worry :D :D :D

Not a snowball's hope of anybody but the Yanks beating that record!

Apparently there are a handful of big-time collectors in the USA with over 3000 antique John Qs between them. That would give the Septics a good start at the record!

The biggest problem they will face will be flying over the 3000 Paddies they will need to drive them all!  :D

No third party pics yet Jase. I'd imagine there will be a DVD or summat before Christmas.

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