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not as bad as helar, the cheese maker ..24p a litre ish .. says he cant sell the cheese  and workers on short days

28p was the last auction there, probably be a few months before we see it, but at least you know its coming  :D we had 17/18p for a few months there, no use, but others had it worse  :-\

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looks like my stepdads coming out of hossy tommorrow, had all the scans ect and awating the results, they have managed to partially clear his windpipe so he can now at least drink and eat(drink really) his complan meals, seem to be a general concensus between the docs that its an infection in his scar from the origoanl tracheoctopy he had for his first cancer op, so  fingers crossed provided the scans all prove clear and the biopsoy the took is clear to ,  its just down to how they clear it now poss op or maybe lanced and sucked out??

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