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Getting my copy of Model Tractor this morning.  Nice picture of Leakey Vale and also one of young Thomas with his layout. 

As Mandy said, "Fame at Last!"

Well done Sue and Thomas nice to see quite a few FTF members in that magazine this time round. Saw Tim Bolton the editor at Penrith on top of a chair taking pictures of Damian's layout .... I said if you are going to fall I'm going to have to push you off that chair sideways....luckily he didn't and hopefully we see a report from Tim on that great show at Penrith in the next edition.

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Well done Sue and Thomas nice to see quite a few FTF members in that magazine this time round. Saw Tim Bolton the editor at Penrith on top of a chair taking pictures of Damian's layout .... I said if you are going to fall I'm going to have to push you off that chair sideways....luckily he didn't and hopefully we see a report from Tim on that great show at Penrith in the next edition.

Look forward to reading it. 

My only critisism is he got the scale of Thomas' layout wrong and he mis-spelt my name.  It is Leake and not something that drips from pipes. 

Why did I say that?  Oh no...

      ... Marky is going to pick up on that...

              ... or Tris...

                    ... or Sean...

                            ... or....?  :-[ :'( :'(

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Look forward to reading it. 

My only critisism is he got the scale of Thomas' layout wrong and he mis-spelt my name.  It is Leake and not something that drips from pipes. 

Why did I say that?  Oh no...

      ... Marky is going to pick up on that...

              ... or Tris...

                    ... or Sean...

                            ... or....?  :-[ :'( :'(

Tadaaaa!! You called?  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Oily Vale. . ..  ???:laugh:

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Could be worse Aunty Sue could have been Leek... now that would have been funny  :D :D :-*

We love you whatever your name is...




Tris get your spanners mate.. The tap has deleloped a 'Sue'

Not those spanners... Leave Gavin and Sean alone  :of;D

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:  Classic

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Could be worse Aunty Sue could have been Leek... now that would have been funny  :D :D :-*

We love you whatever your name is...




Tris get your spanners mate.. The tap has deleloped a 'Sue'

Not those spanners... Leave Gavin and Sean alone  :of;D

I knew it...

              ... I just KNEW it.

Thanks guys, I do love you and you are sooooooooo  predictable! ;D ;D :-*

(I know 2 people with LEEK as a surname - they are not related but both are from Lincolnshire and one of them lives in OLD  LEAKE! )

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Well after a week of stress they Finally let my girlfriend out of the hospital last night she is not out of the woods yet. ( see post what  made you sad) But I can finally go see her today and hope to spend the weekend with her. I am really pleased as it has been a hard week.

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Well after a week of stress they Finally let my girlfriend out of the hospital last night she is not out of the woods yet. ( see post what  made you sad) But I can finally go see her today and hope to spend the weekend with her. I am really pleased as it has been a hard week.

I read your other post. It must be horrible to be away from your girlfriend when she is poorly and you just want to see her. I hope you have both had a nice weekend together and she is feeling better.  :)

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I read your other post. It must be horrible to be away from your girlfriend when she is poorly and you just want to see her. I hope you have both had a nice weekend together and she is feeling better.  :)

Thanks Tris yes it is horrible and don't want to go through it again any time soon. We had a great weekend. She is feeling better but she is really tired tonight.

The last test is tomorrow so hope that comes back OK. she is supposed to go back to work Tuesday but I don't think it will happen. She works at a day care for kids. I think she will be burnt out again by going back to soon after last week not eating proper food and doing nothing. Well when I get the out come of the tests I will post on the relevant page . Thanks again  Regards Robert

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Thanks Tris yes it is horrible and don't want to go through it again any time soon. We had a great weekend. She is feeling better but she is really tired tonight.

The last test is tomorrow so hope that comes back OK. she is supposed to go back to work Tuesday but I don't think it will happen. She works at a day care for kids. I think she will be burnt out again by going back to soon after last week not eating proper food and doing nothing. Well when I get the out come of the tests I will post on the relevant page . Thanks again  Regards Robert

Well today has been really good day that has pleased Laura and I. Laura went for the last test it was supposed to be 3 hours but it was finished in just over 2 and they sent her home. ( The only side affect may be she glows in the dark with all the radio active stuff they have filled her with in the last 7 days)  The official results are in next week but they think the test is good.

She saw her doctor for a follow up on the stomach infection and that is responding  well to the medication.

As far as we know there are no immediate plans for surgery on the hernia just watch the diet.

She returns to work for afternoons this week so she gets back in to things slowly her boss has been great with all of this happening and they want to look out for her.

Finally I just want to say thanks to all of you that have replied to my messages on this subject and on what made you sad. I was coming on here during the hard times to see what was going on in the forum to try and do something to take my mind off waiting for calls and texts. All your kind words have been a great help and it is much appreciated. Thanks again

        Regards Robert & Laura

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Well today has been really good day that has pleased Laura and I. Laura went for the last test it was supposed to be 3 hours but it was finished in just over 2 and they sent her home. ( The only side affect may be she glows in the dark with all the radio active stuff they have filled her with in the last 7 days)  The official results are in next week but they think the test is good.

She saw her doctor for a follow up on the stomach infection and that is responding  well to the medication.

As far as we know there are no immediate plans for surgery on the hernia just watch the diet.

She returns to work for afternoons this week so she gets back in to things slowly her boss has been great with all of this happening and they want to look out for her.

Finally I just want to say thanks to all of you that have replied to my messages on this subject and on what made you sad. I was coming on here during the hard times to see what was going on in the forum to try and do something to take my mind off waiting for calls and texts. All your kind words have been a great help and it is much appreciated. Thanks again

        Regards Robert & Laura

Good news you ole canuk ;)

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Good new Robert... at least you'll save on lightbulbs for the next few weeks with Laura glowing in the dark like that  :P

Sue... A Canuk is a long boat that seats one person... it's got two pointy ends and you sit in the middle.. usually in a kind of condom like thingy to stop your legs getting wet..

Just guessing mind you  :-\

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Good new Robert... at least you'll save on lightbulbs for the next few weeks with Laura glowing in the dark like that  :P

Sue... A Canuk is a long boat that seats one person... it's got two pointy ends and you sit in the middle.. usually in a kind of condom like thingy to stop your legs getting wet..

Just guessing mind you  :-\

That's a KAYAK Marky (Inuit word I believe)

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