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What really PLEASED you?

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What a star Richard - I bet that made you smile?

Just for the record - How many GCSE's did you actually get and what were the distinctions in?

Well done from us all in Cornwall x :D


the distinction was in ict and i got a gcse in maths,english,science,product design,history,geography,ict :D

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O levels were also called GCE's - General certificate of Education which ran in conjunction with the lower standard CSE's - Certificate of secondary education. I think this is where the confusion lies as both were replaced with the GCSE in the late 80's or thereabouts.

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Staining house soffits and fascias with Butinox. All windows and front doors finished now. Only have to do another coat on side door and another coat on North , West and East fascia but two on the South facing one....beginning to see the end of the tunnel and have saved a fortune doing it myself ;) ;)

The annoying thing is I haven't even opened the 3 litre of mahogany Butinox and the 1 litre of cedar Butinox. Looking on the bright side they will be stock items and the mahogany will be used for the sheds and the cedar for "Bambi" and the wishing well ;D ;D

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Sure I did gcse's I have been at bt 22 years this oct , left school that June after the exams ? See that's what old age does for you dam memorys shot  :laugh: all I know is I passed all 9 mostly c's and 2 b's

Your damn right Sean, memory has  failed - I am a totally delusional person who did no GCSE's at all, they were actually O Levels ...thanks to my brother, who is ten years younger than me and a know-all, I have successfully remembered this! :of :of

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got back from spain on saturday got goose bumps by the time we got from manchester airport to kendal i had a chesty cough and screaming headache on the brightside of that we made it home in 53.38 minutes ;D

woke up this morning and felt so much better and even better after having abit of a browse on here :-*

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