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Nice one Damian and Hazel, you will find that grandchildren are a joy and you can even give them back!

Seriously many congratulations, we have a grand daughter and she is a fantastic little princess..............enjoy :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Thanks everybody for the congratulations , its a nice way to end the year .As for the small pair of jcb overalls Bill ,his dad might have something to say about that as he is a big David Brown fan ,hopefully i can try and educate him .Roger and Val Newark should be a good show to bring him to for his first show ,thanks again to everyone and a Happy New Year to you all and hope to see you all soon .

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seems sues father will be back in the home tommorrow with luck, has gone from very serious(even the hospital didnt give him much hope)  to walking arround with a nurse on his arm , seems theres life in the old boy yet, even at 93, no ones quiet sure what it was that took him out, at one point his blood pressure was so low it barely regestered on the machine  :of :of :of 

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Well on New Years day my notebook would not fire up only a black screen. It was still under warranty therefore I called the Costco Concierge Services but they were on holiday. Anyway I assumed they would have a few days off so it wasn't until this afternoon I decided to call. A rather helpful girl asked me to remove battery pack and power cables and hold down the power switch for 2 minutes. Thereafter she told me to tap the F8 key whilst switching on the on off button. Hey Presto it worked and windows fired up after selecting the enter key. I'm not sure why it got itself in a knot but well it appears to be working fine again so I'm feeling like a pig in the proverbial again.

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