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My dad takes him on the odd occasion Ben.. be he's a 'fair weather' supporter really... well they both are  :D :D :D

wouldnt have been there yesterday then.....blooming freezing...i had to buy, yes buy a scarf! :D :D :D::)

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Wouldn't they lend you one Ben... that's mean of them  >:(:D :D

Anyway... get over here and help me polish Mavis... it's 6 degrees in the warehouse.. I need to sit upstairs in the warm watching you out of the window  ;D;):P

no thats ok, i have a polish injury  :D :D :D::)

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Erm, I'll find out. Yes, couldn't feel more proud right now. He has even put money aside to pay for our trip when we go. Must be damn hard to plan stuff like that when you get older. Talk about courage.

Villaminozzo is the village. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Villa_Minozzo A lot of the family are still there, Dad went with Pop a couple of years back to semmemorate the end of the war. Pop was greeted by the Town Mayor and was in the papers and on the local news as a 'hero' of the town for his and his mates' efforts. Think he chose me to introduce a third generation of our family to theirs ot keep that link going.  :)

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Meeting John (JDC) yesterday although it was a very brief meeting as I had to catch a train along with five of my friends and colleagues.  Minibus taxi driver was concerned because his bus is not good on snow and the narrow lane to John's house was pristine snow and hilly.  We did slide a bit but fortunately did not have to get out and push which could have proved interesting as only 4 of us were able-bodied. Of the other two one was in a wheelchair and the other on crutches! (hence the minibus).

John rdirected the driver through the farm yard and down the hill the other side on leaving which was an easier route avoiding the arch of the bridge over the bypass.  Thanks John!

No, I did not get pictures as I left my camera at home.

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getting an extra ticket for the Histon v Leeds FA cup game for the wife.....who decided last night she wanted to go >:(::)

although it was sold out, i actualy have two to hand ;D ;D, one from a Leeds fan who has a spare and another from a guy who had it for his son but he has flu so cant make it....poor kid, at least he can see it on TV ;)

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Wow, that's pretty cool Rob. Will you have a belated Christmas with the family in January?

Yeah well pleased about it Tris.

The kids are getting most of their presents on christmas day and the wife has held back a couple for them for when I get home. Having new years day as our christmas day.

I do have a couple of courses to do as well but they are in Aberdeen so will just comute for them.

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