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Well I just bought a used pick up from a guy who lives down the road from my aunt and uncle so we drove the truck to their house to store it for a few days until I get license plates for it so I can drive it home. I am allergic to nuts so my Aunt was kind enough to clean the inside and out to make sure there were no nuts or any chance of nut residue anywhere, the truck  looks brand new now inside and out now.  ;D

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Mrs PDC and my girls went on holiday with her parents lastnight untill Tuesday :(

So when I get in from work tonight I can use every availible workspace for modelling :D :D :D well untill Monday night anyway :D :D :D

My carpet needs baling! :D;D

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Being made crumpets with bananas and maple syrup for brekky  :)

Love crumpets and I like banana sandwiches but have never tried crumpets with bananas with or without delicious maple syrup!  Sounds absolute heaven.

Mmm run out of crumpets, have no bananas but think I have some maple syrup somewhere (or did it go all thick and sugary and was thrown out?) 

Barbecued bananas are delicious too, with maple syrup or honey and raisins inserted under the skin.

What a good idea - pop down to the village shop and get some bananas as a pudding after the barbie today as a couple of friends are coming from Kent to visit.  What a good idea.

Now that really pleases me!

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Had visitors - old friends I have not seen for over 17 years. 

Carolyn and I went to the same school, ended up working for the same company many years later when we renewed our friendship and later I attended her wedding, became godmother to her son and never lost touch but she lives in Kent and I live in Hampshire.

Lovely day, had a barbecue lunch (into dinner) cooked by her husband, Frank, drank wine and gossiped. Absolutely wonderful and all I have to do now is clear up!  Not a problem

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